[1.3] The multiple names of a Skywalker

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    "Master Obi-Wan, Master Yoda." Master Skywalker addressed the two, bowing his head out of respect. I left Master Kenobi's side to stand by Ahsoka. She looked excited, like she had some good news to tell me.

    "Trouble, you have, with your new Padawan, I hear." Master Yoda knew everything. Yes, this was because Master Kenobi had just told him, but that didn't matter.

    "I was explaining the situation to Master Yoda." Master Kenobi filled in, but his words fell off as I felt a pull to Anakin.

    I furrowed my brows and uncrossed my arms turning completely to stare at the man, something was off. I glanced over his torso for a second when my eyes settled on the weapon attached to his hip. It was like everything around me went fuzzy and my eyes zeroed in on the saber, my hand had a mind of it's own as I called it to my grasp. I couldn't hear Skywalker's protests as I spun the hilt in my hand. I flipped it onto it's side and disassembled it, all the while there was a ringing that was getting louder and louder, I felt the wind whip around me as my hands moved quicker. I needed this crystal. It was mine.

    I used the force to separate the hilt and take out the cycling field energizers and get closer to the crystal energy chamber where I would find the thing that sung to me. I was part-way there when I felt a hand on my shoulder- knocking me out of my trance. I looked down at the half disassembled lightsaber and winced when the weight of what I did hit me. Not only had I just stolen a knights saber, but I had pulled it apart too!

    I slowly glanced up to the hand on my shoulder and found Ahsoka looking at me in concern, "We called your name like three times. Are you alright?"

    I looked to Master Skywalker who looked to be taking this well... if 'well' meant doing everything in his power not to scream at me. I avoided his glare and looked back down to the mess I'd made and knelt to pick up the pieces of his lightsaber off the ground, stuttering as I went, "Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

    I placed the pieces in his hand and then hesitated to give him the remainder of his lightsaber, the part of his sword that was still calling for me. I guess I had been holding it too long for his liking and he swiped it out of my hand. "What is your problem, Kid?"

    I tilted my head at the rhetorical question. What was my problem?

    I skipped over Master Kenobi who was sending me a look that was somewhere between concerned and curious and looked right to Master Yoda who was awaiting my explanation. "Master, I need to go back to Illum."

    Master Yoda's face lit up in recognition. "His crystal, you were after. Hmm?"

    I nodded vigorously, "Yes, Master. I fear I may have gotten the wrong crystal at the Gathering." I ran my hand through my hair as I tried to form the words to communicate what had just happened. "I was using my saber earlier today in the battle, and when I had picked it up it didn't feel right. Which is insanely confusing because the day before that it felt like a living thing in my hand and now it just feels...out of place."

    "It's as if I'm using someone else's saber and not the one I created, but that is impossible because this is the saber I made. I even have some unique detailing to prove it." I called the blade from my waist to my hand and flipped it to the end to show Master Yoda the markings I had etched into it.

     "And I'm sorry again, Master Skywalker, but your crystal is just singing to me." I watched as Skywalker held the broken saber in his hands as he fiddled with the pieces, trying to get them to fit back in place.

    There was a long moment where no one spoke, Master Skywalker was trying desperately to fix his lightsaber and I was writhing in guilt. He needs that for battle, why did you destroy it?

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