After the Studio

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Ro P.O.V.

I don't exactly know why I was so happy today at the studio. I don't know if it was the crying or talking about it to my sister. Whatever it was helped. I wasn't even mad at Dallas anymore, but we do need to talk and I think I'm ready for that now.

Right now, I just sitting in Dallas's driveway trying to figure out what I'm going to say.

Was all this my fault, Dallas? Can we fix this? What do you want me to do to make things right? I took another minute out to think, then I opened the door and got out of the car. I closed the door and walked bravely up to his doorstep ringing the doorbell.

I didn't get an answer. I rung the doorbell again. Man, I know he's home. His truck is parked outside. I started ringing the doorbell repeatedly forcefully. No freakin' answer. Whatever, I'll just come back tomorrow. I wanted to do it today because I'm in a good mood. I don't know if I'll have the same amount of courage tomorrow.

I walked back to my car, got inside, and left. Well what am I going to do now? I don't feel like going back home. Today was my first day out of the house since New Years.

Ti is with Dalvin, so maybe I'll go by Lisa's condo.
Ti P.O.V.

"So I'm going on tour on the 12th of this month." Dalvin said. We're currently at his mother's house. He had to stop by to change her headlight for her car.

"What?" Why on earth is he telling me this now? That's only 4 days away.

"Yea, sorry babe."

"So you're not gonna even be here on Valentine's Day or our anniversary?" I asked.


"Why didn't you tell me about the tour sooner?"

"Cause I knew you would be upset that I wouldn't be here for our 2nd anniversary."

Yea, that's right y'all. It will be 2 years since Dalvin and I started dating. Our anniversary is on the 13th, the day before Valentine's Day.

"Well, you're right. I am upset." I folded my arms.

"I know, and that's what I was trying to avoid," Dalvin stopped working for a second. "But we can celebrate on the 11th."

I stood there silent.

Dalvin walked over to me and put his hands around my waist. "I can take you out to dinner. Or, we can have a romantic dinner at my place."

He started whispering in my ear. "Then I can tell you how much I'm gonna miss you. And you can tell me how much you're gonna miss me. Then you can..."

Man, all that whispering in my ear tickled. I tried not to smile, but I couldn't help it. "Ok, ok, Dalvin. Fine."

"Aww see, now I'm happy." Dalvin smiled at me, letting go of me and getting back to work.

"A happy Tionne makes a happy Dalvin." Dalvin did the 'McDonald's Happy Meal' smile.

I laughed.

I love him some much. I love how he does what ever possible to keep me happy. I'm happy to say that we've been together for about 2 years.
Lisa P.O.V.

Man, I tell ya, all this cleaning stuff is hard. All this mopping and scrubbing and dusting. Let's not forget valcumming. Then I have to wash dishes and stuff, but I guess these are the things you have to do when you're expecting company. Hold on, I hear knocking. It better be someone who knows how to clean.

I put the mop against the wall and walked up to my door and looked out the peephole. It's Ro. I swung the door open and smiled.

"Hey, Lisa. Can I come in and hangout? I don't feel like going back home." Ro said.

"Of course, Ro! You're right on time." I stepped out of the way so she could come in.

She stepped inside with a confused look on her face. "On time for what?"

"Helping me clean." I closed the door and walked over to the mop. "You're such a good sister."

"I didn't come to clean, Lisa."

"Well you said you wanted to hangout, so take the mop." I said handing it to her.

She took mop and mumbled. "I guess this is better than laying around at my house." Ro started mopping the living room.

"I'm going to start mopping the kitchen." I grabbed another mop.

"How many mops do you have?" Ro asked me.

"Enough to get the job done." I said.

We both did our mopping in our designated areas. See it's less work when you have 2 people.

30 minutes later

"I'm done valcumming now." Ro said turning off the valcumn.

"Now I need you to clean my windows on the inside." I said washing the dishes.

"Man, what is with all this work?" Ro asked.

"Ummm.." Crap. I was hoping she wouldn't ask me that. "Spring cleaning."

Yea, that sounded like a good answer. No one can find out about Jamal until I make sure he's the right guy.

"What? It's not even spring yet." Ro said.

"But I need to make sure I'm ready for when it gets here."

"That doesn't make sense." Ro walked over to get the supplies she needed to clean the window. "So what are you gonna do when it becomes spring and this is all dirty again?"

Enough with the questions. It's too hard to think when Jamal is constantly on my mind.

"Well, we'll have to tackle that obstacle when it gets here." I said.

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