They went to the top of the base to wait for the signal.

Caboose: What do you think he'll do for a distraction?

Church: Who knows, probably, like, you know, make a noise, or throw a rock. That's what I would do.

Thea: If Shawn's with him then it'll probably be a-.

In the distance a vehicle is blown in to the sky and a siren starts sounding

Thea: -Explosion.

Church: ...Or he could do that.

Caboose: I think he is better at distractions than you are.

Church: Yeah.

Thea: Yup.

Washington: (over the radio) Okay, come on out. But come quietly.

Shawn: (Over the radio) Did you see the explosion?! It was awesome!

Thea: Yeah, we saw it.

Church: Okay, let's go.

Caboose: Um, yes, I don't want to. Uh, you see I am scared of the thing that I don't know what it is.

Thea: I don't really like this.

Church: Oh, don't be a baby. How bad could it be-

Church steps in to the grav-lift and is hurled wildly through the air

Church: -eeeeeeeeeeeee!

Church lands, bounces, skids, hydroplanes, and eventually smacks up against the side of a jeep behind two soldiers, making "oof" sounds the whole way

Church: Thatwasfreakingbullshit!

Soldier 1: Did you just say somethin'?

Soldier 2: ...Whuh?

Washington: I said quietly! What part of quiet don't you understand?

Church: What part!? How 'bout the part where I got thrown eighty feet in the freaking air, by the GOD DAMN THROWING THING!?

Suddenly Caboose landed on Church with a oof.

Caboose: Thank you Church for catching me!

Church: Get off of me Caboose.

Caboose got off Church as Thea landed while rolling a couple times but landed on one knee with her hands on the ground.

Church: Show off.

Thea walk towards the ship passing Church and Caboose while saying.

Thea: I got that all on Camera, you know that right?

Church: (Groans)

Church and Caboose follow her to the Others.

They sneak to the ship and a tank rolls by. They got to the ship and four of the them recognized the ship.

Washington: They didn't see us, okay. Stay out of sight. Do you recognize this ship?

Church: Yeah, this looks like it.

Thea: Kinda hard to forget.

Caboose: Sheila? Sheila. Are you okay?

Washington: Um... what is he doing?

Church: Oh, yeah we uh, we transferred our tank's training program in to the ship, so that it could help us repair it.

Washington: Did you inform Command that you moved the program to the ship?

Red vs blue (female OC) season 6Where stories live. Discover now