Chapter 11

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All three praised her cooking skills, but they weren't that great. It was just Mom and her; sometimes, she had to make dinner. But she did like that Jimin seemed to enjoy it so much; she was sure having a wife who cooks is a good thing since he clearly can't. Wait, why was she thinking about marrying him? She was way too young for all that, plus they were still in high school.

Rose listened to them talk back and forth, making her smile. She was honestly happy here; she didn't think that would ever happen. But her brothers were actual brothers. She had a great friend in Dae, as well as Yoongi, Hobi, and Jungkook. Add in how amazing Jimin is; she was very thankful she was there. Her mom dragging her to Korea was the best thing that could have ever happened to her.

"Why are you smiling?"

She turned to look at Jimin. "Nothing, really. It's just that I absolutely didn't want to move here, and when I first got here, I was so adamant about leaving."

"But now?"

She smiled softly and grabbed his hand, "now I'm so thankful I came. I'm thrilled to be here."

He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her sweetly, "I'm so thankful that you came too because you make me so happy."

She was getting ready to kiss him when Dae and Jin walked in holding hands. Rose jumped up and pulled Dae away to her room.

Jimin looked at his friends. "Guys, I wanted to talk to you really fast." He was nervous; he didn't know how they would take this. All three of them just looked at him while he was trying to get the nerve to ask what he wanted to ask. "I love Rosie, like really love her."

"Yeah, we've heard," Tae said with some annoyance.

Jimin just glared at him, "I want to marry her. I know we haven't known each other long, but she's the one."

"You are still in high school. Are you crazy?" Jin yelled.

"I'm not talking about getting married tomorrow; I'm sure Rosie wants to attend college first. I just wanted you guys to know that I will marry her when she's ready, and I want your blessings."

The three of them looked at each other. "If it's what Rosie wants, then I'm okay with it."

Jimin blew out his breath, "Thank you, Joon."

The other two grumbled but finally agreed with it as long as they waited, and it was what Rosie wanted.

She pushed Dae into her room. "So? How did it go?" Dae got this dreamy look in her eyes and started smiling at herself. "OMG, you actually like him? Like, like, like him, right?"

Dae blushed a little. "I do. I really like him, Rosie. I want to be his girlfriend so badly. He's so handsome and sweet, plus he's so funny."

Rose laughed, "Girl, you must be in love. If you think he's funny because he's so far from funny, it's ridiculous."

She shook her head, "Let me get out of your dress, and I'll head home."

"You know you are welcome to stay, right?"

"I do, but I figured you'd have Jimin over."

Rose waved her hand, "he'll survive one night without me, I swear."

"Do you think Jin will give me a ride back to my dorm so I can get my stuff?" Rose nodded yes, "Do you think he'd take me to work in the morning, too?"

She smiled, "Dae, I'm fairly sure he'll use any excuse to spend time with you."

"I'm going to go ask! I'll be back in a bit so that you can spend some time with your boyfriend."

Dae walked out right as Jimin was walking in; he was pouting. "What's wrong, babe?"

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