Chapter 7

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Rose rolled over to look at him, "I'm hungry, but I don't want to cook anything. Can you order some food and then make out with me until it gets here?"

His million-dollar smile fully displayed, "It would be my pleasure." He rolled over and pulled his phone out of his pants; five minutes later, he said they had twenty minutes to make out before the food arrived. She got up and straddled him, "Rose, I'm going to have a hard time keeping my dick in my pants with you sitting on me like this."

That made her giggle; she palmed his face and brought her lips to him. She softly licked his bottom lip, asking for permission. He opened his mouth, and she spent the next few minutes exploring him. She could feel how hard he was underneath her so that she couldn't help but grind on him a little. 

The noises he was making were doing things to her, she started moving a little faster, and she was so freaking close. He was, too, because he began to match his pace. When her orgasm hit, she had to stop kissing him. She sat up and dropped her head back; her hands were on his chest, and she was whimpering and squirming. One last movement, and Rose heard him let out a deep moan.

She fell back onto his chest and was just trying to catch her breath, "damn, Jimin, I'm not sure I'd survive sex with you. You are too good at everything you do." That got him laughing; she loved his laugh. She sat up and got off his lap, "I'm going to clean up before the food gets here."

He nodded, "I'm going to run home fast and grab a few things. I'll be back soon." He walked over to her and gave her a quick kiss, and then he haphazardly threw on his clothes and went out the door. He was back before she even finished. He entered her room with a duffle bag in one hand and their food in the other.

Rose eyed up the overnight bag. "Planning a sleepover with Tae? That works out in my favor because Dae is staying the weekend here, and now I don't have to pawn her off on Jin since you can keep Tae occupied."

He just snorted, "You ready to eat? Then maybe we can watch a movie?"

She did her jumping clap, "Yes, I'm starving, and movies are my most favorite thing ever. What did you order? Because it smells delicious."

He sat down on the floor and pulled out bowl after bowl. There were so many dishes, and she had no idea what they were, but she was excited to try them all. 

"Omg, I'm so stuffed. That was delicious, like too good to be true."

"Ready to watch a movie, pretty girl?"

She told him yes, and they started cleaning up the food together. When that was all done, they snuggled into bed, and he flipped through the channels until he found a movie. It was in Korean, but he put the subtitles on it for her. But after all the drama from today, then add in the food and the amazing orgasm. Yeah, she was spent; she made it maybe fifteen minutes into the movie before she fell asleep with his arms around her.

"Just what do we have here?" Rose opened her eyes and saw Yoongi standing on the other side of the bed, his arms crossed and his half smile on display. 

Jimin said something to him in Korean that seemed to satisfy Yoongi, "I seriously need to learn Korean faster. You guys are pissing me off." She mumbled. She got a bit of it, just not all of it.

"Get out of bed before your brothers come up here and get pissy."

"Why would they get pissy? I've spent the night at both of your houses before."

Yoongi shrugged, "Your brothers are weird; what can I say? But your hot friend is here." 

That got her out of bed. "Dae, is he here?" When he nodded his head, she pecked him on the cheek and took off downstairs. "Dae, where are you?"

My wicked step-brothersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz