Chapter 18

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They both turned and looked at Sissy, then they grinned at each other. Rose waved her over and told her to sit down. "I know you can keep a secret, but you can't tell either of them because they can't keep one." She nodded her head, "both of us are pregnant."

She screamed but quickly covered her mouth, "Omg, this is, I'm so jealous!"

"Are you wanting to have kids with them?"

She nodded her head, "I know it's insane. There's two of them, and we've only been together a couple of months, but I love them." Then she looked down to the ground, "I'm not sure how it would work, but I want to be with them forever."

Rose reached over and grabbed her hand, and Dae grabbed the other. "I know it can work. Your families know, and they are okay with it. Plus, we love you guys."

She was tearing up, but Hobi walked over and kissed her. "Making my girlfriend cry?"

She shook her head, "it's happy tears, I promise. Now dance with me, handsome."

He kissed her hand and spun her into his arms. " They are so adorable." Dae agreed with Rose, and then she turned to look at her. "Wait, does this mean you guys are going to move out?"

Dae blushed, "honestly, I want to stay if you don't mind. I love the idea of us raising our kids together. I'm not sure how long it'll last, but for now, I'd like to stay."

"You guys can stay forever. I love having my sister and brother around, and I can't wait to meet my little niece or nephew." Then Rose clapped her hands, "Oh, we can move Kook to our side of the house. We have spare rooms over there, and lord knows he only uses his room to shower. I'm fairly sure he sleeps in my room more than he ever has in his. Then we can turn his room into a nursery."

Dae smiled at her, "You'd do that for us?" 

"Of course, I would, plus I'm serious about Kook not using his room. I'm surprised I even got pregnant again as much as he's in my room." Rose scoffed.

That got them both laughing, "what's so funny?"

They turned their heads to look at their husbands, "Nothing, we were just talking about how hard it is to have sex because of your little brother."

Jimin snorted, "I can always kick him out if you want?"

"He doesn't bother me, and I gotta say I'm enjoying the creative ways we've found to sneak away."

"Blah, blah, blah. I have said this a million times: I don't want to hear about my little sister's sex life."

Rose laughed and patted him on the shoulder, "It's your wedding so that I won't be a turd. We're going to head out; Ara is exhausted, and honestly, so am I. See you guys in a week." They walked over to where Jungkook was sitting; he was singing quietly to Ara and rubbing her back. "Hey, Uncle Kookie, we're heading home. Do you want to go with us or stay here and party?"

"I'll leave with you guys; she really needs to go to bed."

Jimin snorted, "You know we are her parents, right? Like we can take care of her without you."

He looked up at his brother with his big, doe-eyed eyes, "I know you can, Hyung, but I love helping. I love Ara. Don't take that away from me, please?"

Rose walked over to where he was standing and wrapped her arms around him. "Kook, how would you feel about moving to our side of the house? Ara mostly sleeps through the night, and Jimin and I were thinking about making one of the rooms hers. We can make one yours as well if you want."

He smiled big, "I'd love that; I feel so far away in my other room." Rose smiled back at him, "I'm going to take her to the car. I'll meet you guys out there." 

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