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𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓

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𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓

This was the former cover and title.


The river slithered through the forest like a peaceful serpent. The blood on his hand was already starting to dry into a brownish crust.  The moon reflected palely in the rippling water. He dropped the rose and dagger, the moon's shape shattering at the glassy surface. The dagger drowned in a swirl of crimson, becoming only a metallic gleam at the bottom of the river while the rose drifted slowly, ushered delicately by the current. He watched it float away, the last traces of crimson dying in tumultuous waters.

In appearance, their body
never rots,
never burns,
never drowns...
However, their soul may not be so eternal.
Some say...
The blood that nourishes their body poisons their soul.

There are two notorious ways one of them can end your existence.

Many believe that they lurk amidst the shadows, that they will come to you from behind. Yet, truth be told, they will want you to see them. If you ever see one, you will know they are one of them for you will feel both the need to run and curiosity so strong you will be equally drawn to them. Their words, you will trust, though in your heart you know you mustn't. And they will smile, not at you, no, but at their victory. And, let me promise you, they will savor it indeed.

Second, and last of all. Beings of their nature never succumb to slumber. When you see one fall to sleep, you will know they have given in to their madness. Considering this, you are as good as dead. There is no point in running. There is no escape. And finally when they wake to their senses, it is not mercy, my friend, that they will feel when they see what they have done to you, it is jealousy for they will have longed to share your fate.

Ps: The song above is Bad Habits from Ed Sheeran. It came out recently. Anyway, I found it suiting with the theme of this story ;) tell me if you like it too!

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