The Day Of

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Bose's p.o.v

When my alarm went off this morning i physically and mentally couldn't find the strength to get up. I could hear my parents all the way from the main house getting ready to leave.  I was still in my pajamas, sitting on the couch, chugging down the biggest serving of black coffee i could find. I'm more of a milk type of guy but milk wasn't going to block the inhibitory neurotransmitter in my brain.

"Honey, are you riding with us to the wedding or are you getting there on your own!" Mom knocked on my door. "My own," I lethargy responded laying down on the furniture. "Great that means you can take the gift with you, Willard said the delivery man should drop it off in about an hour or so," Mom informed. "Sure," I said closing my eyes. 

I wish that i could wake up with Amnesia. 

Today was the wedding and i was internally throwing up. I felt sick knowing that after today i couldn't so anything to fix anything between Mika and i. We haven't spoken nor saw each other since we spent our time together at the Diner. Every waking moment i thought about our kiss. I wonder if she told Noah. What hurt was that it probably didn't mean anything to her because the wedding was still on. But i refuse to believe it didn't. 

I was debating if i should show up today but i wasn't sure I'd be able to handle all the questions i would get if didn't. But i knew i for sure wouldn't be able to handle sitting in the second row the whole ceremony. 

I swore the worst feeling was Mika leaving me to go to NYU but it turns out it was seeing the person you planned your entire life with, spending the same moments with someone else.

Does this count as trauma? If it doesn't, it should. My phone started to ring and i groaned, who was disturbing my peace? When i saw it was Chapa, i thought about declining it, but one doesn't simply just not answer Chapa when she calls.

"Hello?" I started.

"Where are you? Miles booked the wrong officiant and the wedding in two hours, we need someone to keep Mrs. Macklin occupied because if she finds this might as well turn into a funeral," Chapa berated. "I'm at home," I answered roughly running my fingers through my hair. I waited for Chapa to lecture me but the other end remained silent.

I heard a dejected sigh, "I wanna say it gets easier Bose, but i wouldn't know,". I lifted my head up and stared at the ceiling. "Getting over someone you really loved is next to impossible, i mean i still occasionally stalk Cleo's social media," She chuckled the last part trying to make me feel better. This was different and she knew it. "You and Cleo got off on good terms, Mika and i can't even stand being in the same room anymore," i said looking at the locket i left on the table.

The other end got quiet.

"She waited for you, Bose, did you know that?" Chapa told me. 

"What are you talking about?" I huffed reaching out to take a sip of my coffee.

"Mika, before she left for New York, she sat on her bed, and waited for you to come back," She made known. I slowly got up sitting on the couch. What does she mean Mika waited for me? "She waited longer than that actually, the only reason she took so long to pursue Noah was that she still hoped you hadn't completely let her go," Chapa admitted.

I felt the palpitation throughout my entire body due to this discovery. 

She did wait and i did come back, i was just a little too late. 

This means Mika never gave up on me. This changed everything.

I shot up from the couch leaping over it, "Chapa how long till the wedding?" I rushed to pull a box out from under my bed. "About an hour and 30 minutes, why do-" She was asking. "I gotta go," I hung up the phone cutting her off. I tossed the phone on my bed and opened the box. I stared at the yearbook, my hands slightly trembling as i reached in to take it out. I hadn't held it in so long, i almost forgot i even had it. 

The yearbook i never got the chance to give to her. I opened it, flipping to the page i wrote in.

"I need you to make it eternal and full-on lovey-dovey," Mika demanded, opened a blank page in her yearbook, and handed me a pen.

I remember pouring my heart out into this, i remembered how i felt about her in that exact moment.

Mika's p.o.v

I waited in my hotel room staring at myself in front of the mirror. I patted my dress a few times and did a side turn to make sure everything looked okay. Miles was in here earlier bugging me, just like all those times he sat in my room to simply 'bless me' with his presence. He cracked a few insults as i was getting ready but in the end, he kissed my cheek and said i looked, "Decent".  Brothers, can't live with them and they can't accidentally fall down a well. But It was nice having company besides my hair and makeup team. Dad was blubbering as he pulled me into the tightest hug but still, i couldn't understand him. Aunt Cherly had to drag him away. 

As for Noah, the last time i saw him is when we had dinner with his parents yesterday. Every day i was struggling to tell him that Bose and i kissed. I couldn't bare to think how hurt it would make him. To bury the guilt, i told myself that my kiss with Bose didn't mean anything, it was for a quick second. Also atoms never touch each other and since we're made of atoms we've never touched anything in our entire lives, so no I didn't really kiss Bose. I was saying that stupid thing Miles always said when we were younger and he would pull my hair and i would run to our parents crying. But unfortunately for me, i couldn't run to Mommy and Daddy anymore.

I was a horrible person. I was letting down the person i loved the most once again. Noah deserved so much better. I had to be the world's saddest bride. I wondered if Bose was coming today, frankly, i think it'd be best if he didn't. It would be too much for me.

Bose and i could never be just friends, but we also could never be together. So much has happened and we were back to square one. We'd only end up hurting each other again. But wasn't it worse because we were also hurting other partners we would let into our lives, knowing we'd never love them like we loved each other. I'd never love Noah like i love Bose, i admit that, yet i would have to learn. Just because i didn't love him like Bose doesn't mean i didn't love him at all. I looked away from myself when i saw how miserable i looked, i couldn't risk crying, even though it's what i wanted to do most.

I stood up careful not to step on my dress and walk over to the nightstand reaching into my purse for my phone. I needed to find anything that reminded me of why i was marrying Noah and told me i was making the right decision. Turns out Noah had texted me.

N: I know I'm not supposed to be in contact with you the day of until the ceremony but I'm very nervous because i know you're going to look phenomenal.

I felt less anxious reading his message and a small smile appeared on my face. When Noah and i met i was at a very low point, feelings-wise, yet he managed to be the first person that made me truly smile again. For a long time, he was the only person in color to me. 

But i still betrayed him

M: I kissed Bose....

I started to type and my finger hovered over the sent button. It was guilt eating at me again, however i untyped it and wrote. 'I love you' with a red heart, instead.

I closed the app and started scrolling through my photos again when i heard the door open, I didn't look up because i assumed it was just Chapa or my Mom coming to check up on me. 

"Wow..." I heard an awh whispered. When i recognized the voice i felt my blood run cold. I quickly snapped my head up and saw Bose at the door, suit and tie, starting at me in utter admiration.

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