Prior To Prom

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"What was i thinking?!" Chapa panicked. Prom was in half-hour and she was going ballistic on me. The girls and I walked around my room getting ready. I was more focused on my make-up than what anyone else was saying. "I can't go to prom! I'm me!" She finished applying blush. "You're just nervous,"  I popped my eye trying to get mascara on. It slipped out my hand and fell onto my robe. I cursed, closing it.

"Kimmy is no help!" Nathalie complained holding up 2 dresses in front of us. 

"Which one should I wear?" Nathalie questioned. 

"They're both the same exact shade of purple," Kimmy snapped taking the curling iron out of her hair.

"Not true! This ones a little lighter," She lifted up the dress on the left. 

"Pick the one that makes your bra less tight," Chapa suggested.

Nathalie nodded putting one of the dresses down. I wiped my hands pleased with how my makeup turned out. I didn't do much really, my Mom did most of it while I was texting Bose about his tux. He was really happy with the emerald green color, my dress was gold so I thought it would be a perfect choice. 

Chapa's p.o.v

This was nerve-racking for me. I was going to prom...with Cleo! It all felt so unreal. It did however calm my nerves that she wouldn't be coming her first and I would be meeting her at the dance along with Josh, Kimmy's date. Everyone was dressed except for Mika. She had moved on to fixing her curly ponytail and evening out the thick stands she let fall to the side. The doorbell rang and Mika looked back petrified. 

"What is it?" I asked confused. She started clearing her desk. "This is real-life this is actually happening?!" She panicked. "I thought this was all some big joke!" She anxiously laughed. It's started off as a laugh but it turned into a cry. She was pulling a Mika again. I grabbed ahold of her shoulders. "Pull yourself together girl!" I demanded shocking her just enough that Kimmy and Nathalie didn't notice. We didn't need her super screaming the whole house down. She flinched then relaxed. "I needed that, thank you," She patted my shoulder with both hands and went to her closet to get her dress.

I just knew she was about to look top tier. Her dress had everything on my black one, Kimmy's red, and Nathiles's purple. She would be giving some serious main character energy. Heck, I would have gone out with her if she wasn't my best friend. 

Bose's p.o.v 

I waited with Miles in the living room for the girls to come downstairs. I was really hyper because I ate as much as I could before I put my tux on. I was a messy eater and I didn't wanna ruin it. I ate so that i wouldn't be as tempted to at prom. I'm so smart for that, but I really wish I was better at remembering because I finished a whole donut in the car.  

I blew non-existent dust off the corsage box and kissed it. I spent hours finding the perfect one for Mika. We heard footsteps and I immediately got up. I was excited and anxious and contempt and scared, let's just say i was feeling a lot. Like i do when i try to color inside the lines. "Can you guys look the other way because this is so cliche," Chapa begged. "No way De Silva, I'm not missing this," Miles teased. She dramatically groaned and they started coming downstairs.

Mika's parents then came over with their cameras as if they were paparazzi. "Oh my god, you girls look beautiful!" Mrs. Macklin gushed. Mr. Macklin clicked his camera when he saw them. Kimmy came down first with Chapa and Nathalie, Mika just a tad bit farther behind. 

They all looked gorgeous of course but when i tell you i lost the ability to speak when i saw Mika Macklin emerge from the group. To anyone one else it might have looked like a regular entrance but to me, she had made the biggest grand entrance from something out of a fairy tale. How would i describe her glossy skin, thick curly hair, twinkling eyes, and shimmering dress? I guess i just did actually.  Not once in my life have i seen anyone so absolutely stunning. 

When she made her way to me my cheeks started to heat up and i was no doubt blushing. "Hi," She greeted crossing her arms behind her. I tried to say something back but i was too flustered so all i could choke out was, " you...Wowza".

"You look perfect," I finally formed a real sentence. She cutely snickered at my stammering blushing to herself. She revealed a corsage from behind her and pinned it on top of my tux. "You look pretty Wowza yourself," She smiled then kissed my lips and i felt her lip gloss leave a mark. But I wasn't complaining. I unboxed the corsage and put it on her wrist. I kissed her hand and interlocked our fingers. We had been so caught up in our moment we didn't realize there were other people in the room admiring each other.

"Okay okay, pictures everyone," Mr. Macklin waved. It was like getting a war flashback when he mentioned pictures. My eyes still hurt from my Mom taking nearly a billion pictures of me before i left. "Come on Miles," Nathalie yanked his arm.

We positioned ourselves at the bottom of the stairs as they got their cameras ready.

"Everyone say Prom!" Mrs. Macklin encouraged.

I held Mika's waist and she lightly placed her hands on the hands holding her.

"Prom!" We cheered.

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