Chapter Seven: Jealousy, Jealousy

Start from the beginning

"Layla your my friend and right now you need me. I'm not leaving,". His magnetic smile spread across his lips making it hard for Layla to not crack a smile. She smacked her lips tightly together to stop hers from forming. "Now tell me what's on your mind? And why are you hiding in the kitchen?".  Without hesitation, she answered quickly. "I'm not hiding,". Jordan narrowed his gaze when Layla continued. "Not exactly..." she trailed. "It's a long story,".

Jordan checked his watch when he smiled. "Lucky for you I got time,". Layla forced her own smile half annoyed half grateful that Jordan didn't budge. "I take it you and Liv had a falling out? Is that why I haven't seen you around the house lately?". Layla gently nodded. "Something like that,". Jordan let out a sigh, knowing he'd been in the same boat.

"I'm with you on that one. Spencer and I had our own falling out. Well...more like I was being an ass to him when I shouldn't have. This week has been a lot you know. From the wedding being called off to the state championship game. It happened so quickly I guess I didn't have time to process what I had been feeling. I let my ego get the best of me which ultimately led to Asher and Spencer being sent to the hospital. I wanted to win so badly that I'd do anything no matter the outcome, and JJ advised me not to, I made the call which backfired since we didn't even win in the end,". Layla turned her back against the party, matching Jordan's position. A sincere smile fell on her lips, covering her hand in his, she squeezed it. "I'm sorry,". 

Jordan grabbed her hand in his, rubbing his thumb along the top of hers. "Don't be. Guess we are not so different after all,". Layla let out a sigh, gently nodding. "I'm just tired of the lies and people thinking I can't handle the truth. I'm not this broken girl that needs to be shielded and protected from the world. I can handle it. Believe me, I've been through so much, in the past few years, this is nothing. But what I can't handle is the manipulation and lies. Tell it to me straight and stop beating around the bush,". Layla shook her head in frustration. Jordan squeezed her hand softly when Layla softened her gaze.

"I don't think you're broken. Ever since the day I met you back in the sixth grade I had always thought you were strong, smart, and resilient. You don't let life bring you down, and even through your hardships, you're still the light that shines through the cracks. At your lowest and darkest days, you're still the strongest girl I know. You're not broken, Layla. I don't believe that for a second. And as for my sister. You and Olivia will work this out. You always do,". Layla's heart warmed at the sweet words Jordan spoke to her. A tear escaped her when she quickly wiped it away.

"Thank you," Layla mouthed when Jordan shook his head wrapping her into a hug.

"No need to thank me, Layla. I think you sometimes forget that we are friends too. And...I'm here for you,". "I know,". She smiled whispering beside his ear. And for a minute it felt as if she was safe, collapsing into his embrace, he squeezed her tightly. They both stayed there in each other's embrace until Layla's phone vibrated on the island. She sighed grabbing it. Looking at the caller ID she immediately wished she would have not picked up her phone.

"It's Carrie. She wasn't feeling well so I left her at home. I promised her that I'd pick up soup for her on the way back,". Layla bit her lip letting the call go to voicemail. Jordan watched Layla when he could tell she had been a bit uncomfortable. "And how's that going?".

Layla looked at her phone the second she received a voicemail from Carrie. Looking up to meet his eyes she shrugged. "I know what you're going to say, but it's good to have a friend there. The house gets lonely sometimes you know?". Jordan raised his hands in surrender. "I wasn't going to say anything,". Layla met his eyes when he smiled with a guilty expression that washed over him. "Okay, I was but I'm not anymore,".

"Good, because whatever you're going to say I'm sure I heard it before. And trust me she means no harm. We both just needed a friend, and right now I could use one of those,". Jordan agreed when he turned back to Asher who'd been sitting at the other end of the island drinking.

"Yeah and I think someone else does too. Hey Asher you good? Maybe you shouldn't be drinking since you're on medication,". Asher snapped at Jordan. "Maybe you should mind your own damn business,". Asher's voice had been raspy slurring his words. His hair was a mess, and his face was bruised. He had bags under his eyes, and his skin was pale. Asher didn't look so good. Trying to stand up, his knees almost buckled under him. Stabilizing himself against the island, Jordan rushed over to him. Shoving Jordan away from him, Asher raised his voice. "I'm fine! Please just leave me the hell alone,".

Jordan raised his hands slowly backing away from Asher. He didn't take anything personal knowing Asher held resentment which was to be expected and was a little intoxicated which didn't help the situation either. Asher wobbled making his way through the crowd when Layla walked over to Jordan. Resting her hand on his shoulder, Jordan turned back around giving her a sad smile.

"Give him time, he's going through a lot," Layla reassured Jordan. "Like you told me. You, Asher, and Spencer will work it out. You always do,". Jordan cracked a smiled nodding. "Guess I should take my own advice sometimes,". Layla agreed. "You and me both,". 

Cutting their conversation short the music slowed to a stop as footsteps pounded the floor below. Both Layla and Jordan turned to see JJ run through the crowd butt naked before making his way up the stairs. Layla and Jordan both looked at each other when their mouths parted. "Did you just see what I..."Jordan trailed. Layla nodded confirming that his eyes hadn't been playing tricks on him. "Yup...".

A big splash was heard in the distance when every single head turned towards the pool Everyone fell silent while a few collected gasps were heard throughout the crowd. JJ popped his head above water a few seconds later yelling at the top of his lungs. When a group of boys and girls followed him jumping into the pool just as the music resumed. Jordan looked over to Layla who widened her eyes.

"Guessing he lost the bet," Jordan let out a laugh. Layla smiled shaking her head. Her smile faded the second her phone rang again. Looking at the caller ID to see that Carrie had been calling again.

"I should get going. Carrie won't stop calling until I answer. Thank you again for everything,". Layla pulled Jordan in for a hug when he squeezed her softly. "No need to thank me. Anytime, and I mean that. I should go check on Asher anyways. You sure you don't want me to drop you off at home?". Layla shook her head. "I'll be fine,". She reassured him.

"I should go check on Asher anyways," Jordan placed his hands in his pocket. He watched Layla walk backward giving him a subtle wave. "That's a good idea. Let me know how it goes. Goodnight Jordan,". He smiled warmly waving back to her. "I will. Goodnight Layla. Don't be a stranger,". Layla matched his smile. "I won't,". Jordan let out a sigh knowing he had two relationships he needed to mend. making his way through the crowd he first went to check up on Asher.

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