I'm right here

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"Where am I?" The girl had just awoken in a small room, darkness was the only thing she could see, felt like an eternity before her sight could reach end of it.

A chill so cold it filled the entire room, pricked her robotic skin as she sat on the metal steal floor wearing nothing but a white body suit. I'm sure I was just on the Edens Zero with... She took a moment to recollect her thoughts but nothing came to mind prior as to where she was now.

Hermit tried to stand, she felt so weak and tired, none the less she managed to pick herself up.

Now standing, Hermit leaned her shoulder against the wall and continued to walk forward, ignoring the aching of her whole body. Her left arm was straight out in front feeling for anything that might be there in the dark abyss she was walking through.

I need to find him. Who? She didn't know but there was most definitely someone that she was yearning to see as she pressed on.

Huh? Her touching had finally found something, poking out of the wall.

A switch of some sort, lifting her arm up to the switch brought a terrible feeling that made her hesitate, if she did this tiny action there would be no turning back, with no other option she flicked it up to reveal a dim hanging light had turned on that shined down on the center of the room. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a door up ahead but something else caught her attention more.

Hermit slowly turned around as she heard mechanical joints moving, the sounds were coming from the back of the room where she originally was.

"W-Who's there?" Her voice started to tremble, palms shaky, she took tiny steps reluctantly towards the sound only to jolt back at its response.

"Why did you betray us?" One bot voiced as its head came out from the shadows and into the light, their body slowly following next. Hermit gasped and placed her hand up to her mouth as she saw the bots deformed face.

Left side of its jaw was detached and a big gaping hole was where its right eye should be along with its rusted body that seemed to have been that way for... 13 years.

Hermit was too focused on the bots disfigurement to respond, seeing it in that state reminded Hermit of a terrible memory. She grasped her head and leaned forward as sharp pains were sent to her 'brain.'

Quick flashes were flowing through her mind, something she wanted to forget so desperately for years. The emotions she had once felt were over flowing again.

Hermit gripped her headphones, she remembered the pain of being ripped apart and being put back together in a never ending cycle of two years, two years of extraordinary pain.

Two years of nothing but crying, bruises, fear, and wishing... wishing for what though. She knew the answer, something she wanted for a over decade, she wanted this so badly even after she was freed from her hell.


What happened to wanting that? Hermit let go of her headphones in that realization as she lifted her head up, trying to remember.

The longing she desired of sweet relief from this life of no reward waiting for her... but there actually was something waiting for her, no. Not quite something but someone, who was it?

It was the same person she had thought of before.

"I BELIEVED IN YOU!" Screamed the bot who was frustrated at Hermit's ignorance. Hermit was brought back to the reality in front of her, whoever this person was that kept slipping from her mind would have to wait.

She took a few steps back from its sudden scream, more bots came out from the shadows behind the first. These ones were in worse conditions, some were crawling with no legs, some had no arms, some were even headless but none the less they were all rusted over.

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