Chapter 14

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-Faith pov

I am waiting for Scott to be done for the day at the clinic.

Dog owner: It's not gonna hurt him, is it?

Deaton: Just a little. But I usually find that it's the owners...

Deaton gives the shot to the dog

Deaton: Who feel the most pain. All right. Well, we'll just check the stool sample for parasites, but my guess is that he probably just ate something he shouldn't have.

Scott carried the dog off the table and saw his tag, his name was "bullet"

Scott: Got a cool name.

Dog owner: He's got two brothers at home named Beretta and Trigger. Military family. Looks like he knows who the Alpha is.

Scott and I looked at him nervously and laughed.

Then he left with the dog, while Scott was doing something.

Scott: Found something.

Deaton: Rinse it off.

Scott rinsed it off and gave it to Deaton.

Scott: What is it?

Deaton: Definitely poisonous... For the dog. Actually, for you two as well.

Me: Wolfsbane?

Deaton: Mistletoe.

Scott and I heard barking coming from outside and we went to check it out. We went outside and found the dog without his owner. I picked up the dog and went inside the clinic.

Scott was done with work so he took me home.

Me: Well thanks for today, it was really fun.

Scott: Yeah, it was

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Scott: Yeah, it was.

Me: Well I should go inside.

Scott: Oh, yeah.

Me: I still owe you ice cream tho.

Scott: No. No you don't.

Me: Yeah I do I lost the bet.

Scott: Ok then Friday.

Me: Sounds fun. See you tomorrow.

Scott: Yeah. Good night.

I went inside my house saw my mom asleep on the couch. She must have fallen asleep watching tv, I pulled a blanket over her and kissed her forehead. I went up to my room and fell asleep.

-no one pov

(Scott and Stiles)

Scott: I looked everywhere. It's like he just walked away. Left his car, his dog.

Stiles: Okay. Was he, like... could he have been a virgin maybe? Did he look like a virgin? Was he, you know, virginal?

Scott: No, definitely not. Deaton makes me have s*x with all of his clients. It's a new policy.

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