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hey guys, I'm very sorry for disappearing and leaving this story like this, but I had so much on my mind and the time is never enough for things like this.
many months, maybe years have passed and I have changed very much. I don't like how I wrote this story, so I'm thinking about re-writing it with new characters and plot.
I already have a fanfiction going on, I wrote it on my laptop, but it's all about a different point of view.
let me introduce it to you;
a young half-elf, Cèlawen, lives in Rivendell with Lord Elrond and his children.
she likes adventure, studying maps and books, but her brother Fyllo won't let her go outside the realm's borders because he's scared to lose her too (their parents both died).
but one day she'll find the courage and the opportunity to find out what adventure really is and realize that the outside world is not a fairytale, but a reality full of suffering and pain.
she'll learn that happiness exists only because of sadness. peace only exists because of anger. nothing is perfect, and beauty is only shown to eyes that want to see it.
there is a lot of character development and deep messages, what do you think about it?
let me know if you'd prefer me continuing this story or replacing it with this one.

sorry again to all of you that wanted to read my story, I love you all <3

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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