Once they did, you covered yourself with earth, making multiple other hollow spikes appear around you.

"Power Loader, search the ground." Aizawa said.

"Why search the ground if they saw which spike she's in?" Mineta asked. Todoroki took the liberty to explain. "You saw during the USJ attack that she can switch with air if she can compound it to weigh the same as she does. But she can also burrow underground like a mole."

"Ah!" Yaoyorozu made some sort of model with her hands. "So like a mole," She separated her index finger and middle finger from her ring finger and pinky and put her other hand through the gap. "She can go into the ground like a drill."

Power Loader emerged from the ground. "Sorry, Eraserhead." He lifted his hand, showing the handcuffs you put on his arm.

You came from the ground, but when Aizawa tried to erase your quirk, nothing happened. That's because it was your cloak.

"Sorry, Aizawa-sensei." You poked your hand out from underground and put the handcuffs around his ankle.

"Y/N L/N passes."

You pulled yourself up and stood up straight. "Was that good?" Aizawa nodded. "Very. You only took 3 minutes, used limited stamina, didn't do any damage to the city, and manage to catch us. Good job."

"Man..." Kirishima whispered. "That's so manly!"

"But she's a girl."

"Still manly!"

Todoroki looked down at Mineta. "Look at those thighs!" Why did you have to take off your cloak, Y/N...?

"Wait, look at that." Yaoyorozu pointed. Todoroki looked closely at the screen, but it was soon turned off by Recovery Girl. "Anyways, exams are finished. You can get changed out of your hero outfits now."

Todoroki stared at the blank screen, wondering what Yaoyorozu saw. But if he asked, would she consider that creepy?

He made his way back to class when he ran into you, but you were already in leggings and a hoodie. "It seems like we run into each other often." You said. He assumed it was a joke, but he couldn't quite bring himself to laugh at it.

Maybe because you looked dead serious.

"I'd join you in class, but I promised to monitor Class 1B's exams. If I miss anything important, please text me about it." And you left.

You monitored the exams, occasionally getting up to heal, while Kuroiro stood next to you for most of the time. "Is that your whole class?"


"Looks like Monoma was the only one that didn't pass." You sighed. Our class is going to hear it from him in their extra classes. "I'll head back to class."

You made your way back to class, though you didn't have a uniform on. It was nearly the end of the day, so you doubted anyone would be lingering around, anyway.

Turns out you were wrong.

"Oh, Todoroki-kun." He turned around. "Oh, you're here." He walked up to you and handed you a USB. "These are from today's exams. Why did you want them again?"

"I just... like watching my classmates grow." You turned away. "I have to drop off something at your house, so we may as well go together. Come on."

You and him walked next to each other, walking towards his house. "Did anyone fail in Class 1B?"

"Only Monoma, but the others are bound to hear about it during their extra classes." You stopped. "Do you want to ask me something?"

He turned back to you. "Well, Yaoyorozu and I saw something during your exam."

You pursed your lips. "Just wait until we get to your house." You walked forward, Todoroki following. Once you got to his house...



"Not you."

Endeavour came out of one of the rooms. "Oh. Do you have what I asked for?" You nodded and gave him a small bouquet of purple orchids, though it was only three. "Thank you."

"Oh, is Y/N here?" Todoroki's sister, Fuyumi, popped her head in the foyer. "Hey, Y/N! Would you like some mochi like you always do?"

"Uh, no thank you. I'm not staying long."

"Oh, come on, Y/N! I'm sure Shouto wants you to stay. Right?"

"If it doesn't trouble you."

You looked to the side. "I guess I could stay for a bit. I don't have any plans, anyways." You followed Todoroki to the dining room, where you took a seat in front of Fuyumi and next to Todoroki.

"So, anything interesting happen today? You know, other than exams."

"...Not really."

Compared to Fuyumi, you and Todoroki didn't look too happy. If Natsuo were here, that'd be a whole other story.

"By the way, have you visited your parents lately?" Fuyumi questioned. "You told me that the last time you did, there was some stranger there."

"I... visited my dad."

"Hm. I didn't think they'd have a couple separated from each other."

You looked over at Todoroki, who was silently eating his food. Once he noticed you staring at him, he pushed his small plate of mochi towards you. "You can have it if you want."

After dinner, you bowed and said your thanks, then left the Todoroki household.

"Wait, Y/N."

You turned, seeing Todoroki running up to you. "You said you'd tell me about..." "Oh. Yeah." You reached for the end of your leggings and began rolling it up.


Scars. That's what he and Yaoyorozu saw. They were pretty subtle, and half covered by smeared makeup, but you could make it out if you looked carefully.

"It's nothing serious." You said, pulling down your pant legs again. "Just what happens when your become a hero. See you tomorrow, Todoroki-kun."



"Just call me Shouto. So I don't confuse it with when you address my father."

You looked away from him. "Whatever works for you." And you began walking off.

You got back to your room and turned on your phone, pressing on one of the contacts. "Hello? Yeah... I have it."

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