Chapter 5

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Ben tossed me on the bed and I could tell I was smiling like a fool but I didn't care. "I want you" he says and I wasn't gonna deny him anymore. "I want you more" I say which couldn't be more true in this moment. "Tell me exactly what you want me to do" he says and I whispered in his ear ever so softly "fuck me". I didn't expect what he said next "How do you want me to do it". I knew I was blushing "Ben". "I'm only gonna do it if you tell me exactly how" and as I response I put my head in the nook of his neck as if hiding like a little kid. "No need to be embarrassed, I just need to know what to do" he already knew what I wanted he always knows exactly what to do. "I want you to cum inside me" I say with absolutely no regret.

He waits a moment before saying "I don't want you to get pregnant" I was a little confused because he's never been concerned before. "So I'll get plan b" but I wasn't expecting his response "No because if I cum inside you I'll make sure you get pregnant" and with a quick response "I'm alright with that" but I guess he wasn't "I couldn't live with myself if I got you pregnant at 16" I thought maybe he just needed some convincing "I am" I say while taking the shirt he gave me off but I guess he was starting give in so he walked in his bathroom and locked the door running the shower. Probably cold water knowing Ben so I walked back downstairs with a shirt on and went to my room

Her Room

                                Her Room

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After I got done with my cold shower I put on some sweats and walked downstairs to talk to morgan, her door was shut but I didn't care. If she was naked it's nothing I ain't seen before. I walked in and I kind of expected what I walked in on. She was pleasuring herself and I could tell she was still mad at me.

"Shouldn't you be asleep" I say trying to start a conversation. "Just finishing what you started" she shoots me eye daggers as she ever so slight mosns. I walk over to her and sits in front of her then pull her on my lap but she has a blanket over her lap. "I love you but I'm not gonna get get you pregnant until I'm married to you" I think she understood where I was coming from because she kissed me right after I said that. After I pull away I whisper softly in her ear "do you want me to finish what I started" without saying a word she takes my hand puts it under her blanket but I stop quickly "do you want this" I say to make sure she's sure. "I want you in every possible way" she says and I continue what I was doing.

The Next Day
I was still asleep and I'm assuming morgan was also until Reid busted in the door and jumped on top of us. "Good morning love birds" he says to us then I pull the covers up higher because morgan was still naked. "Reid! Get out!" Morgan yells at Reid. "Buddy!" I hug him like I hadn't seen him in days. "Do you wanna cuddle Benny" Reid says "you know it". "What time is it" morgan says sounding annoyed. "9:30ish. Mom came by this morning but didn't check rooms, I guess you two fucked that up last night" and damn I was glad to hear that. "Good that means I can sleep with my girlfriend all week" I say smiling at Morgan. "I mean that's great but who's your girlfriend" I saw that one coming a mile away. "Really" I say rolling my eyes. "Well last time I checked you didn't ask me to be your girlfriend so unless you asked someone else" morgan said shooting daggers with her eyes at me. "I'll leave you two to your conversation" Reid says walking out shutting the door.

"Do you want me to ask you to be my girlfriend" I say smiling at her. "Tell me something before I answer that question" she says but she didn't look too happy, not bad but not happy. "Anything" I say kissing her cheek. "When we're at the wedding if someone asks who I am what are you gonna say?" I know what my answer will be because I wanna piss her off "Reid's cousin". "No I don't want you to" morgan says then goes to the bathroom to get ready and I walk out of her room and into the kitchen.

The Kitchen
"Hey Reid I'm gonna run to the store quick to get some flowers, make sure your cousin doesn't leave". "Why?" he says looking confused. "Well I pissed her off so I could ask her to be my girlfriend in a cuter way". "Okay?" he says stillsounding confused. "I'll be back" I say while grabbing my keys and leaving.

The Living Room
I walk back into the house and stand in the living room waiting for Morgan to walk in and she does. God damn she looks so beautiful, she's just perfect. I hide the flowers behind my back "Hey can we talk?" I say with a crooked smile. "What's up?" She walks closer to me. "I wanted to do this in a cute way so I said Reid's cousin earlier so I could leave" I hand her the flowers, her favorite flowers. " Will you be my girlfriend Morgan Anne Jacobs." "Yes Ben" she kisses me and she tasted like strawberries, my favorite fruit. I kissed her back then pulled away "thank god, I can't lose you" she hugs me and I hug her back even tighter. "You know it's only the 22nd and the wedding isn't till the 25th, let's make the best of our time" she says with a really cute smirk. I couldn't help but kiss her "I like that idea". "I thought you might plus I wanna go shopping" I knew she'd say that.

"Let's go beautiful" I say looking in her beautiful blue eyes. "Just wait for tonight" she says giving me her bedroom eyes. "I'm gonna put a baby in you" I said with no hesitation. "I'm not objecting" damn if she was just a couple years older and we had our lives put together maybe it'd be different. "Then I should probably get a plan b while we're out". "Or not" she says looking away from my eyes. "Morgan I'm not getting you pregnant" I say as serious as I can be. "Just this once" she gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Neither of us are ready for that kind of commitment" yes I meant it but I really do want a baby with her maybe a few. "Yea you're probably right" she knows I'm right but it kills me. "You're 16" I point out thinking it might help. "I get it" now I'm just pissing her off. " I wanna be stable with you before we have kids, I wanna at least be engaged if not married and I wanna be living together. I wanna be out of college". "So a year?" She says hopeful as ever. "If we last a year I'll put a diamond ring on your finger and we'll find a place for us to live" I said that and I damn sure meant it. "Really?" She was smiling like a fool. "I promise" I said then kissed her and she kissed back. "I love you" I say looking her in the eyes. "I love you more" god I'm so lucky to have her.

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