Chapter 2

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Ben pulled into my driveway and as soon as he stopped the truck he pulled me in for a kiss which I didn't mind but after a couple minutes I pulled away and said "Ben I have to go get my stuff"

He goes back in and I move my head to the side so he kisses my cheek then says "One more kiss" in a really cute voice that made me want more so I leaned in and he deepens the kiss making it more passionate

I had to stop it so we could stay on schedule "Ben we can finish this later" I jump out of the truck before he could go back in

Clayton spoke up after she shut the door "You gonna tell her" what he said kinda stopped me in my tracks while I sat there then I finally spoke and said " how do I tell the girl that I've been seeing for the past 10 months that I can't be seen with her next week at my bestfriend's wedding because she's 16"

Clay sat their in silence for a moment then said "that's rough" I'm assuming because he didn't know how to reply to what I said and I'm sure it was written all over my face that I was pissed but I had to look past that.

After thinking about it I decided there was only one option left because once I told her it would be inevitable that she wouldn't wanna talk to me anyway. "Get up front Clay" I say without looking at him. "Why?" Clay said while giving me a questionable look waiting for the response he knew he would get. I say "Because she's not gonna wanna be anywhere near me after I say what I have to say" as if he didn't know that would be the answer which pissed me off even more but without questioning me anywhere he jumped over the seat.

About 5 minutes later Morgan walked back out to the truck and she opened the back door to put her bags back there then immediately asked "Why is he up front" and I really didn't wanna argue right now so I said "Just get in" I guess being a little mad about it she said "Are you serious" but I didn't wanna explain so again I say "get in" and she does saying "what the fuck" which I choose to ignore and pull out of the driveway.

A few minutes later at a stop sign I decided I couldn't take it anymore and I turn around and say almost yelling "This, Us. Can't happen." Morgan seemed very confused which I understand and she says "where is this coming from?" Trying to make up an excuse so she stops questioning it I say "You're 16, I'm almost 20" which I knew would piss her off and she yells at me "You couldn't have said something 10 months ago!" It took everything in me not to stop the truck and kiss her but I couldn't go back now so I just say "I'm done talking about this" which didn't stop her from continuing. "We didn't talk about this, 10 minutes ago you didn't want to stop kissing me and now what? I'm supposed to spend 19 hours in a car with you, I don't fucking think so" but I said nothing in response.

A couple minutes later I pull into Amber's driveway then Morgan speaks up and says "Amber and I are taking her car" but without waiting for a response she grabs her bags and goes inside the house. I waited till I knew she wasn't watching and screamed "Fuck!" at the stop of my lungs and punched my steering wheel then I pulled out of the driveway.

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