Act 2-2 Gathering Intel

Start from the beginning

"Of course I want to go. I've got nothing to do this weekend, and I'm hoping that maybe I'll find something to do with my life while I'm there."

He grimaces at the latter part of my statement, but nods his head just the same.

"Alright then. I'll be in front of the gate at seven A.M. It takes about an hour to get there. Bring some money for food as well, since we won't be getting back 'til around five or six."

I nod my head in acknowledgment and wave goodbye, stepping out the door and back onto the trail of righteous lunch-seeking.

It only takes a few glances into the maelstrom of other hungry students to steer me back off of that path, however. It's only now that I remember why I never come here for food. All of the lines are backed up at least halfway across the cafeteria, with no signs of suddenly dissipating and allowing me passage.

Is there a special system here? Do students with special food-related needs get 1st-in-line privileges? Maybe they get their own line, so they don't have to waste away in line with the other students. But what if the special-needs line attracts too many takers and that line also backs up against the opposite wall?

Maybe that's why this cafeteria has five different serving lines. None of which have gotten any shorter within the duration of my pointless musings.

Rooftop it is, then. For a second there I thought I had a choice.

I turn away from the chamber of starving students and make my way back up the stairs, this time to be sidestepped by something different.

Or someone different, rather.

The tapping of a long, slender cane rings out through the hallways, having emptied within the past few minutes thanks to the aforementioned lunch bell. Behind the noise lies a tall, blonde-haired girl; a certain 'Lilly Satou.'

"Hey Lilly." I call out.

She stops and perks up, as if trying to pick out the right name to match with my voice, no doubt from a mental registry of hundreds of others.

"Good afternoon, Hisao. How are you?"

"I'm doing great. Decided I'd go up and get some fresh air since the cafeteria is so crowded."

"That's nice to hear. The cafeteria is avoidable, if you've got some free time." Lilly responds.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm inviting you to have lunch with us. If you have nothing else planned, of course."

"Ah. I'd love to." I answer.

Lilly gives me a warm smile and turns back toward her previous destination, the 'tap tap tapping' of her cane resuming as her free hand guides along the wall. I've had tea with her once before, and I know where the room is, but I think it's safe to assume that our usage of that space may have been a one-time thing.

Anyway, today is going better than planned.

"What did you mean by 'us'? Are there other people you eat with?" I ask.

"Only one other, I believe she's in your class. I'll introduce her if you two aren't acquainted."

I nod my head, mentally slapping myself as I realized what I just did.

You see, it's things like this. Everyone tries to tell me that it isn't that big of a deal, but I just can't get past it. Gesturing to blind people, staring at girls with skin conditions or deformities, trying to shake hands with a girl who has no hands to shake, and even talking to deaf people. Is it something I'm just supposed to get used to? And if so, when do I get used to it?!

Katawa Shoujo - Akira Satou RouteWhere stories live. Discover now