Act 2-2 Gathering Intel

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"So you split your equation into two halves, the reducing half, and the oxidizing half..."

For the first time all week; I'm able to pay attention in class. Today's lesson involves oxidation-reduction reactions, a subject that elicits an even lower amount of focus from the class than usual; even Misha and Shizune are beginning to doze off.

I feel great, however. No hangover or blaring headaches. No eyeballs that feel like they could pop out of my head if I were to blink or half-digested stomach contents ready to escape from their chains of oppression at any moment. Nothing that could possibly ruin my day.

Every man should get drunk at least once in their life, so that they may appreciate the times when they aren't drunk that much more. Maybe I'm just a wimp, or a lightweight, or something along those lines; but I will never understand people who hit the bottle as often as possible, just for the sake of doing so. Do the effects of hangovers wear off over time? Kenji seemed just fine yesterday, but I'd like to avoid using him as the standard for...well, anything, really.

"Takashi, would you like to read for us next?"

He's facing the windows, lost in a dreamlike stupor as his eyes flutter between 'half-open' and 'what was I doing again?'

"Takashi, are you with us?"

Takashi is not with us, it would appear that he has entered a realm of slumber, a plane I wish I could devote a little more time to. His seatmate, Lelouch, has also been coaxed into rest, head propped up on the five fingers of his left hand.

Mutou shakes his head in disappointment before grabbing the heaviest textbook he can find, walking over in front of the duo, and raising it above their desks.

Is he allowed to do that?

The textbook drops from his fingers, hitting the desk with a solid, ear-shattering 'SLAM'. Within the instant: Takashi and Lelouch both spring back into the world of the awake, sputtering nonsense as they try to orient themselves.

"Takashi, page 383, second paragraph from the top, read. Lelouch, stay awake." Mutou chastises.

They both give a halfhearted 'yes sir' before performing their assigned duties, with Lelouch instead choosing to float into his daydreams and Takashi stumbling over every other word in the textbook.

However, no one raised a word of objection when a bluish-green haired girl on the front row fell asleep and even weathered Mutou's recent wake up call.


The lunch bell doesn't come any sooner, despite the fact that I managed to stay immersed in the lesson all throughout class. Maybe time only flies if you're having fun. Or maybe it has to do with that thing about time being a relative concept that depends on-

I am thinking way too hard about stuff lately. No more thoughts, only lunch now.

Considering that the roof always leads me to one awkward situation or another, I decide to stick with the cafeteria today. I may end up sitting alone, or being stuck with the sub-par quality of our school's food, but it's better than stumbling upon a sleeping Kenji again.

The stack of papers and belongings is shuffled into my bag, its strap slung around my shoulder, and my body carried to the door, driven by the lust for a satiated appetite.

Naturally, I'm stopped halfway there.

"Hisao, are you still going to the lectures this Saturday?"

"Yeah, I went out and bought a suit yesterday." I reply, nodding.

"Good man, good man." Mutou answers with a thumbs-up. "Are you sure you want to go? I don't want to feel like I'm pressuring you into it."

Katawa Shoujo - Akira Satou RouteWhere stories live. Discover now