Chapter 11

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Deep in the forest...

Amid the horrors of cruel terror—like a hurricane and apocalypse, they were scattered all over the place, seeking safety from the night and the darkness of nature.

Confusion, fear, sadness, all stirred up in the wizard's pan, cursing all the Class D students, feeling the agony when they were hunted like animals.

Sakura Airi, breathlessly trying her best to increase her guard over her surroundings, rested her body for a while under a leafy tree, trying to suppress the tears that couldn't be held back anymore.

"Are we safe—

This was something she had never felt. Always hiding behind a nest of comfort and shutting herself away from sociality, she struggles to change herself into a better person.

"I do not know.... Fun.. fun.. all I know is that we're separated from the rest—

"Even I know that—

She covered her ears and closed her eyes. Repeatedly haunted by death itself.

She is useless, does not have good physical abilities, or has knowledge of the wild, and survival, surviving the terror that chases them all is impossible for her except for some luck and miracle, putting her on a safe stage for a moment.

"Now what should we do?"

"We... we have to get back to the ship!"

"Shit, that's so far away," she cursed. "What the hell with that damn thing—"

Ibuki was silent, just remembering the terrifying sensation of terror at that time that scared her.

"I think... we should rest... Sakura-san looks exhausted," said Kushida.

They had been running aimlessly in the forest, without any care, only fear stimulated and sharpened the senses and bodies, forcing their feet to run faster than they had previously achieved in their sporting records.

The two girls glanced at Sakura at the same time, seeing her completely frightened and lethargic figure, the horror of the cruel terror still haunting her.

Just what is going on?

They watched as their classmates lost their lives at the hands of evil demons from a different world, in the most brutal way they had ever witnessed, tearing apart a human's body and dancing in the blood.

The figure of a disgusting monster had appeared in the middle of the special exams of the school, bringing about a nightmare that no one wanted.

Ibuki bit her thumb and thought hard, trying to decide what she should do in a situation like this. Various choices that appear, bring their impact. They managed to escape, but was staying here a wise decision? Couldn't that monster be near them?

However, many of them were separated and scattered in the forest. It was highly likely that the monster was targeting a group of students other than them.

For now, she had to at least confirm where they were now,

She finally made up her mind and what to do.

"For now, let's keep moving. It's not a wise choice to stay in one place, that monster can come at any time."

She made a suggestion, which Kushida took seriously.

If there was anything they had to do, then it would be to go ahead and find a safe place. However, if it is possible to walk back to shore, the place where the boat docks is an option worth considering. However, considering the current whereabouts of the monster were unclear, it would be quite risky.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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