Chapter Six

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∞Sage's POV∞

Arriving at the private airport, Jenna helps escort us through all the legal shit before turning to us, "Ok guys this is where i head off but you have my number and if anything happens or if you just need some advice I'm always here ok" she says and all of us nod 'yes' even though we all know that whatever she's saying is a bunch of bullshit.

After taking to the stewardess before waving bye to us and driving off. Taking my hand Lily follows Ash as she knows I don't want anyone to touch me so she tends to keep me close to her and in a way i also help her as she hates being around a lot of people so she likes to stay close to either Ash or myself.

Heading inside we take a seat at the back of the private plane alway from all the staff's eyes. Giving me our phone Lily takes out a book for herself while giving Ash her sketch book and her pencil before curling up into Ash's side making Ash put her arm over her shoulder signalling me to come over, which i did in a heartbeat and together we all cuddled up as the plane took us to our new life.

Italy here we come


★Lillian's POV★

After arriving in Italy, we head into the claiming area and took our bags before moving into a more secluded area in the more public airport and started forming a plan on what we are going to do now now that we are in a different country, basically on the other side of the world.

"How about we don't go" Sage said making Ash and i look at him in confusion, "What do you mean by 'How about we don't go', go where exactly"

"What i mean Ash is how about we just don't go to meet these so called brothers because i mean we don't even know what they look like and we haven't met them yet and they haven't met us, so there is no way for them to know what we look like and remember last night Lily showed us a picture of them"

"Oh so they won't know what we look like but we will know what they look like, smart Sage, your finally using your brain for something important" i say after a while making Sage playfully glare at me, "oh your going to regret that missy" he said then started chasing me around Ash causing Ash to grab the both of us before scolding us like a parent would normally do if their child is caught eating cookies before dinner.

But to be fair Ash has really been the only parental figure in my life along with Sage, but she's also like my best friend who i can talk to about anything and can go to for advice, and the same goes for Sage. Even though they are over overprotective, i know i can trust them with my life.

"Ok let's go guys" Ash says grabbing my hand, making Sage pick up my bag before taking his own and Ash taking the other bag, this is really so unfair.

With nothing else to do i make the horrible mistake of looking around the airport, why?

Well because it led me to seeing not one, not two but three pairs of blue eyes and blonde hair that looked exactly like my mother who also happened to be one of richest families in the world, you guys probably guessed who it is right, that's right it's none other then the Russo's, our so-called family.

Looking my way the one in middle holds eyes contact with me before signalling to the others making them come our way. Startled i accidentally bump into Ash making her look at me before following my eyesight, "shit".

Coming to a stop, they quickly reach us, Ash pulled me back slightly so that she was in front of me and Sage stood next to her so that I was almost completely out of their view sight. "Are you guys perhaps, Ashlynn, Sage and Lillian" the one guy on the left asked, "Depends on who's asking, who are you" Ash replied in her usual cold voice when it comes to people she doesn't know and trust, which is most people.

"I'm Dante-" he said pointing to himself before pointing to the one on the left"-and that's Blaise-"next he pointed to the last on, which was on his right, "-and finally that's Luke and we are three of your older brothers" he said finishing off his speech with a smile, honestly he has this aura that just makes you want to relax around him but i know that people are deceitful and can manipulate anyone and anything at any means if it means they get what they want and stay in power. "But how do we know that your telling the truth" Ash says after a while making them scratch the backs of their necks before Dante, i think takes out his phone and starts typing for a bit and soon our phone rings making Ash pick it up still without breaking eye contact or letting go of my hand, putting it to her ear she speaks in soft whispers before putting the phone away.

Nodding her head she says let's go making the three blonde brothers smile well except for the last one, Luke, he looks like he wants to send us back on the plane to Miami.

The blonde brothers lead us to a black SUV, making my twins and i sit right at the back while Dante and Luke sit in the front and Blaise at the back.

"You said that you are three of our older brother's correct" Ash ask after a while while looking out of the window, Dante hummed before answering, "hmmm that's correct, why?" He asked and Ash answered, "Because that means there is more, how many more brothers do we have other then you three" she said and twins and i could see a flash of hurt go through their eyes before trying and failing might i add to hide them.

Clearing his throat Blaise looks at us before answering, "You have five older brothers in total Ashlynn, Dante, Luke, myself and then your two oldest brothers Santiago and Leonardo", humming slightly Ash asks a bit too coldly but Sage and I know why she's doing it, she wants to test their patience, she wants to know exactly what they will do to us once they lose their patience and she wants to know if we are safe once their patience is lost.

"Then why aren't they here" she asked making the blonde brothers look at each other, almost like they are talking with their eyes, "They really wish they could be here but unfortunately some things needed to be sorted out at work that needed their absolute attention, they did say to apologize to you on their behalf"

Ash murmured something under her breath causing mr.shitface that's what I'm calling Luke from now on, to suddenly turn in his seat glaring daggers at Ash ask, "What was that speak Ashlynn, if you want to speak then speak up" he snapped seemingly trying to make us scared but failing miserably, well in my book he is failing miserably because when you've literally seen Hades himself nothing seems to scare you any more.

So smirking Ash turns to him before saying, "I said i can't wait for this living nightmare to begin"

Ok so this is part two of our triple update, please excuse any spelling errors that i have made, i have gone through it but as always i might have missed something

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Anyway onto the last part of our triple update


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