||Chapter 22: Practice Match?||

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"how was school?" Oikawa asked, petting the thirteen year old's head.

"...good?" he hesitated.

"what happened?"

"um...nothing." Tobio's eyebrows furrowed, "but i met Akira and Yuutaro."



Oikawa hummed in reply as he made lunch.

"what do i say...to make, uhm, Yuutaro forgive me?"

"well, why is he mad at you?"

"i didn't tell him that i was travelling to argentina and stuff so he got mad that i didn't even say goodbye."

"oh." he paused, placing the bowl he was holding down, "why didn't you say goodbye?" he turned around to face him, "i mean, didn't you say goodbye to shoyo, kei and tadashi?"

"i don't remember most of what happened, or who shoyo and tadashi are, but i was, like, 5 years old?? i probably forgot or something."

just then, Shinji came out of his room running over to him. he jumped onto him, making Tobio fall back as he got on top of him and started licking his face and neck. Tobio smiled, petting him lightly before Oikawa spoke up,

"some people just like to be left alone. maybe he just needs time."

"that's what Akira said..." he nuzzled Shinji's fur.

"then trust what Akira says. he knows him better after all." he turned off the stove and took the bowls and plates out, "now help me out. today's been stressful."

Tobio hurried over to him and started making the table, Shinji following behind.


"Get in line!" the Coach instructs as he pulled up his clipboard.

"We've arranged a practice match against Yukigaoka Junior high, but the only day they're available is today, so, get ready." he announced.

the team members looked at each other intimidated. it was their first practice match and they'd only been into three weeks of practice. they were still working on bonding with each other too.

three weeks and Yuutaro has still not forgiven him. he did talk to him sometimes. well, when he had to for projects when they got paired up. Tobio tried to spend most of his time with Akira though, since he technically had little to no friends at all.


"so...are you really a beta?" Akira asked, curious.


"then why do you wear a patch on your neck?"

"it's, um, my parents told me to, because my scent is distracting."
recessive omegas tend to have strong, pleasing smells that distract other secondary genders. even omegas. while it is rare, two omegas can be together, though one of them have to be a recessive omega, but neither can produce.

"what about your scent? why has it changed?"

"dunno." he lied. well, what was he supposed to say? he cant tell him he's an omega otherwise he'd get kicked off the team. the team he's always wanted to be in ever since he was 4. and be with—

there was something on the back of his mind that he couldn't really remember. something—or someone, to complete that sentence. he was supposed to be a pro-volleyball player with a certain someone.

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