Meanwhile, a fair distance from the carnage, we see a similar mother-ship to Frieza's overlooking the transpiring events.Onboard, there are various warriors and scientists to be found in its corridors, but four figures stand out amongst them. The first three are the mercenary platoon known as the Armored Squadron, consisting of Neiz, a tall, brown reptilian humanoid with big yellow eyes and pointy ears, Dore, a large, green-skinned humanoid alien with long black hair and their captain Salza, a turquoise humanoid alien, with short blond hair that is curled to the left. Then we have the individual who lords over them all. This being is a tall lizard like entity with purple skin and a stark white armor like plating, he has a long tail as well as piercing red eyes. This is the elder brother of Frieza, Cooler.

Salza: Lord Cooler, it would seem that your brother has destroyed planet Vegeta in its entirety

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Salza: Lord Cooler, it would seem that your brother has destroyed planet Vegeta in its entirety.

Cooler(Indifferent): Ooh, he managed to kill off a bunch of hairless primates. Nothing to brag about, and the fact that he takes such childish mirth in it is just embarrassing.

Neiz: Wait, Lord cooler, it seems that there's a saiyan pod that escaped the carnage. What should be our course of action?

Cooler: Leave it be.

Salza(Confused): But Lord Cooler, why?

Cooler: If Frieza is going to parade his title of "Emperor of the Universe" all throughout the galaxy, then he has to be responsible for his own actions. If this comes back to bite him, that's his problem, not mine.

Neiz: As you say Lord Cooler. *Notices a blurry blip on the monitor* Hmmm? Hey hang on, I think there's something else out there. *Enhances image* Yeah there's a second pod zooming around out there.

Cooler(Annoyed): Two!? *Sigh* Honestly, that fool can't do anything right. Although...

Salza: Something on your mind my lord?

Cooler: Hmmmm. Capture that second pod.

Salza(Surprised): Capture? Pardon if this is out of turn, but why?

Cooler: My brother is many things, but scared is not one of them. If these saiyans managed to put him in a state of panic, *grins* then having one in my ranks could prove useful.  Now, bring it in.

Neiz: Understood.

Within moments, Cooler's ship produces a powerful tractor beam to pull in the second pod as the first continues on its way, unimpeded on its journey as its passenger's story begins down the line. With it forgotten, the second pod is then brought into he docking bay of the ship.

Scientist: Pod secured Lord Cooler. Though, I will never understand why these pods were designed to be so compact. It must be terrible for the larger saiyans.

Cooler: Now then, let's see what lies within this thing.

Upon opening the pod, its contents are revealed to be ... a male saiyan infant, one who seems to be asleep at the moment.

Scientist #2: A child? How troubling, I was hoping for-

Cooler: No. This is perfect. With him at such a young and impressionable age it'll make it easier to condition him my design.

Cooler grabs the infant by the back of his collar and hoists him until their face to face. The act stirring the baby awake and locking eyes with Cooler. After a few moments, Cooler places the infant on a nearby table then turns to address one of the scientists.

Cooler: You. Prepare a room for him. I want to make sure UURRRRK!!!

Cooler let out a grunt of pain as the saiyan infant latched his developing teeth on Cooler's tail. Cooler wraps his tail around him and brings him face to face.

Cooler(Angry): Why you little miscreant!

Scientist #3: My lord, please calm yourself. He's but a baby, he doesn't know any better.

Cooler: *Deep breath* Listen well saiyan infant, once you come of age I will run you through the wringer. So enjoy yourself while you can, because when you mature I will put you through hell.

Cooler finishes his spiel with an intense glare. The baby merely giggles and boops his nose in response, seemingly unafraid.

Cooler: Hmmm, you don't seem to be afraid of me young one. Interesting.

Scientist #1: Lord Cooler, there seems to be a name on the pod.

Indeed, on the pods face was a single name, "Yerlec".

Cooler: I see. Well then Yerlec. I have big plans for you in the coming times. *Hoisting Yerlec on his left shoulder* Neiz, chart a course for the nearest planet under my rule, we have to stock up on supplies now that we a have a future member on board. I've become aware of a saiyan's appetite thanks to information from my brother. It's best that we're prepared for that.

It seems that a new version of Universe 7 has popped into existence due to Goku and friends meddling with time, and differences can already be seen. What does Cooler have in store for young Yerlec? How will he grow up under Cooler's tutelage? What does this spell for the future? Find out next time on DRAGONBALL VARIANT!

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