Sitting on the hospital bed next to my dying daughter, my eyes were red from crying and my head hurt from over thinking, I couldn't cry anymore because I had no more tears to shed but I had to stay strong for Riele. I felt something vibrate in my pocket bringing it out to see Stephan name come to live on the screen (Stephan is Riele's dad while Rosa is Riele's mom).

"Hello" I spoke shakily into the phone.

"Hi" I heard him say.

"Any good news? " I asked praying to any deity that he had some good news.

"No,*sighs* But we've made enough money to pay half of the treatment " there goes all my hope.

"Okay but we just need to work hard for the remaining part of this month" I said with a lot of determination.

"Sure anything for my baby girl, Are you there with her I want to talk to her " I heard him say excitedly. I looked over to see Riele sleeping peacefully.

"Sorry but she's asleep I'm sure when you come here later she should have woken up by then" checking my watch to see it was two In the afternoon

"Okay, see you later then, love you and bye"

"Love you too" I heard the beep sound which signifies that the call ended.

I was tired of this, of feeling hopeless, of not being able to do a damn thing while my daughter was on her dying bed. I sighed as I decided to walk around just to pass the time because being couped up in this room wasn't going to solve my problem, aimlessly walking through the double doors that led to the exit of the hospital.

I took a left turn, that led down the road, passing by some small shops I took another right turn at the end of the road, seeing a clearing I walked closer coming to my stop, I walked down the green grasses seeing old ladies feeding pigeon,  adults yelling at their kids not to go too far, teens chatting with their friends or on their new flip up phones, children playing with their dogs. That reminded me of Riele, if she ever got out of this I was going to buy her a pet specifically a dog, she always seemed to want a pet but I put her off.

Looking at the scenery I sighed as I sat down on a bench far away from other people, the central park was the only place I could feel at peace because it was filled with joy and this is also Riele favorite place to be when she was well. Why can't life be simpler for us, closing my eyes and praying to any God for help, if there was any. I didn't even know I was crying till I felt something wet drop on my right hand, I quickly wiped away my tears with a tissue before anyone could see it and start asking questions.

Closing my eyes to relax a bit, I felt like I was at peace, everything went blank for at least five seconds which I was grateful for it felt like I was free from all my problems Riele was well and we were all happy again, I felt satisfied with my life till I felt a drop of liquid on my face blinking a few times my eyes tried to adjust to the new environment. I looked up to see gray clouds, with winds that blew angrily, it looked like it was about to rain, unforgivably might I add. Quickly checking my watch to see it was already six in the evening.

I slept for four hours.

Anyone who saw me would probably think I'm dead, standing up for bench and walking out of the park I felt the rain drizzling so I quickened my footsteps which turned into jogging at some point I wasn't looking forward to falling sick, stopping by a food store to get dinner for Riele and Stephan before I continued my journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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