Chapter Thirteen - The Meeting

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————— January 2nd, 20xx ——————

The Divine Army, which consisted of the Powers, as well as Puffy, were gathered around a large, circular, table in Mika's family's kitchen. Her father was at work, so she had the house to herself, as long as nothing bad happened.

Puffy pulls out a silver-colored laptop and places it on the table, opens it, and then opens something on the laptop. "Ok, so, have you guys seen the movie 'Spiderman: Homecoming' before?" Only a few people nodded at Puffy's question. "Ok, so you guys know how the friend was the 'guy in the chair?' I can be that guy for you all. I can plan things, hack into security, basically be your eyes from the outside."

"That would be helpful... But how do we know you're able to do those things?" Tubbo asks.

"Ey, I think she can! I've seen her in the tech club room at school!" Tommy grins at Puffy.

"Y-yeah, I'm the president. There's a couple other people..." She mutters quietly. "But that's beside the point! The seventeenth is coming up pretty soon, so we have to train!"

"Sorry to be rude, but you don't have powers..." Tubbo gulps.

"I'll help you all with training. It'll also help me keep track of things so I can detect weak spots that you all have."

"So, it's basically we physically train, while you study the data and technical things?" Mika asks.

"Yep! I have a couple notes down on your guys' powersets so far." Puffy turns her laptop around to show a large document which listed each Powers' name and their powerset, as well as whether or not they are able to use said power or not. Puffy asked each Power for their powerset list, and then the data on the powers, as well as their weaknesses. The document, after all of the data was entered, read,

' Shelby - Powerset: Pheromone Manipulation (mastered), Chlorokinesis (working on), Flower manipulation (unable), healing (usable, needs training) - weaknesses - Poison, overexertion (mainly from healing), necrotic magic, dark magic, deserts. '

"Wait, why deserts?" Shelby questioned.

"Oh, there aren't many plants there, other than cacti, so if you're stranded in a desert, your only hope with your powers are cacti."


'Mika - Powerset - Necromancy (mastered-ish), Poison Manipulation (mildly used, needs work) Astral Projection (attempted) , Umbrakinesis (unable atm) - Weaknesses: Bright (sunlit) areas (weakens powers), Fire -'

'Meghan - - Water Manipulation (mastered), Ice manipulation (mastered), Water Breathing (working on), Water Physiology [limited] (still trying), Aquatic Creature Communication (haven't tried yet) - Weaknesses: Deserts, Fire ( when using ice powers), sponges (water powers)'

"HA! I have more mastered powers than you!" Meghan points a finger at Mika, who laughs sarcastically.

"Sure, but I'm not the one who has seven bajillion weaknesses." Mika smirks at Meghan, who grumpily huffs.

'Wilbur - Powerset - Phasing, Levitation, Invisibility, flight (limited), Gliding - Weaknesses - Bright sunlit areas, storms, lightning.'

"Lightning?" Wilbur glares at Puffy, who sighs.

"You can get struck by it easily because you're in the air."

"That... makes sense." Wilbur mutters.

'Tubbo - Powerset - Explosion Generation (mastered), Explosion Absorbtion (working on), Vibration Manipulation (difficult, working on), Earth Manipulation (Mastered) - Weaknesses: easy overexertion, power limit (can cause severe damage)'

'Tommy - Powerset - Golden Wings (mastered), Super Strength (working on reaching 100% power) , Superhuman Endurance (automatic), Superhuman Reflexes (automatic), Avian Communication (haven't attempted), Gliding (mastered) - Weakness: Storms, Ice, Lightning'

'Ranboo - Powerset -Enderian Communication (havent tried), Teleportation (mastered), Portalmaking (working on making large portals), Freeze Sight (automatic) - Weaknesses: Pumpkins (weakens), tiny things, Rain (weakens),'

"Pumpkins are your weakness?" Tommy laughs.

"Y-yeah, I'm really allergic to them. It's a drawback of my powers." Ranboo frowns.

"Aw, that sucks. Well, big man, can't help you there." Tommy pats Ranboo on the back with a deadpan face.

"So, I was thinking, if I watched you all train, it'd help with me to figure out other weak points, as well as to study your fighting styles and to formulate plans around them."

"I think we should go train right now then!" Meghan smiles and looks at Ranboo, who shifts uncomfortably.

"I, uh, have some news, actually. Phil's away from the castle at the moment, so he sent us notes on how to train here. If you'll excuse me for moment-" Ranboo opens a portal, and steps through. Moments later, he steps back out, holding a rectangular box under his arm. Placing it onto the table, he opened up the box, and inside were an assortments of labeled vials filled with colorful liquids, as well as a notepad labeled, 'Phil's guide to training the Powers'. Ranboo opened it, and it had tabs labeled for each power, and notes upon notes for training. "Woah- um- That's a lot of notes-"

"Looks like we'll have a great time training. But where would we even train? We can't let any others know about our powers." Mika states, as the others scour their brains to think.

"How about the lake? There's the forest around it, so we'd have plenty of space to ourselves!" Wilbur suggests.

"Yeah, but what about passerby? People walk on the trail all the time." Meghan looks around at the others, an expression of waiting on her face.

"I think I have a spot." Wilbur grins as the others look confusedly. "Well, no time like the present, c'mon! I'll show you all!"

"Guess we're leaving now." Mika scoffs as the group heads outside. Parked on the small driveway, are two vehicles; a maroon colored van, with the name, 'Lovejoy' painted on the sides. The group recognizes the name as Wilbur's band with some other friends, the van being the band's official ride. The other vehicle, an older pickup truck, its paint job the color of dark forest leaves. Wilbur walks over to his van and pats the front hood. "I'll take the guys, you take the girls. Just, follow my van." Wilbur smirks at Mika, who rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. If I were choosing, you'd be riding in the back of my pickup."

"Try to keep up!" Wilbur smiles as the guys enter his van. Mika growls a bit, as she ushers the girls into her pickup, before entering the driver's seat.


yooo! its been a bit since ive posted lol! im gonna try and stick to the weekends when posting, since its been a lot better on my mental state. yknow, just one thing less to worry about! hope yall are well, stay safe folks!!

your lovely author,
mashed potatoes n gravy

[DISCONTINUED, but there is an "ending"] The Divine Powers - Book 1 - Where stories live. Discover now