Start from the beginning

Mama's always gotta back track
When everybody talks back

"You planned to get back at me by making me jealous and hanging out with Lindsay while avoiding me all day?" Jules asked in disbelief, to which Will nodded while struggling to keep a straight face.

Never thought I'd live
To see the day

"You childish twat!" Jules tried to pull away yet that only made the man pull her closer to him.

When everybody's words got in the way

"Plan out my demise later. Just please enjoy this with me, you know how rarely I throw myself out here like this."


"We.. this is a bit too close." she mumbled, embarrassed of how extremely close they were now. Discarding all the anger she felt previously. The only thing she could feel was her heartbeat quicken its pace. It didn't help at all that Will had now tilted his head down so that their faces were closer.

Hey sugar show me all your love
All you're giving me is friction

"Well.. I do have to get back at a certain someone else too for being involved in you avoiding me." Will said as he used a hand to tilt her head up to him.

Hey sugar, what you gotta say?

Well, it definitely didn't take a love expert to know what was gonna happen next.

It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt

Slowly, Will connected his lips to hers. Kissing her gently. Alarms went off in Jules' head, yet maybe it was the smell of alcohol intoxicating any of her sensible thoughts, or the smell of a familiar cologne that she had found peace in not too long ago that made her return the affection.

Take me to your love shack
Mama's always gotta back track

Maybe it was both. But the kiss was soon interrupted as Jules felt a flash of light coming from somewhere.

When everybody talks back

Pushing away immediately, Jules watched as Will stumbled before falling into the arms of Brett, who caught him just in time.

Everybody talks
Everybody talks

"Jules, you alright?" Brett's words were hardly audible as the music seemed louder than it was now.

Everybody talks
Everybody talks

"You.. sorry. I have to go, just give him to Jeremiah, he'll know what to do."

Everybody talks
Everybody talks, back

Ignoring Brett calling out to her was easy. But it was the feeling of someone staring a hole into her back was what made it hard.

It started with a whisper-

"Jules! Are you alright?" Somehow Jules had managed to find her way back to Niki while keeping her eyes glued to the ground. "You're shaking. Come on, let's get you inside."

The music slowly faded out as Jules continued to be guided by Niki to a more secluded area.

It was when she sat down on a chair that Jules noticed her hands trembling. Adrenaline? No. It was something else.

"I'll go get you some water. No one really comes in here since most of them are.. somewhere else, so no one should have to bother you." Jules felt Niki place her hands on hers in a comforting matter before rushing off to get water.

Somewhere else. Jules knew Niki was referring to the backyard. But since when did everyone decide to go outside.

She daren't look up when she heard doors opening and closing, or when Jeremiah had called out to her from somewhere, or even when his voice could he heard as he was dragged upstairs to presumably one of the guest bedrooms.

Jules had her mind somewhere else. And the thought of it still had her left in shock.

"Hey, I'm back. Here, drink this." A cup of water was now present in front of her. Her hands moving on its own and she forced herself to look up for the first time to down the liquid.

"Sorry, Niki.." Jules finally mumbled out, looking at the girl in front of her which seemed to have a confused look on her face. "I don't see why you should be apologising? I'm honestly more concerned about you, you seem shaken up."

Feeling tears sprung to her eyes, Jules choked out, "I.. I kissed Will.. and I know you two had a thing and-" her sentence was cut off by two arms embracing her tightly.

"Me and Will are just friends, Jules. Nothing more, nothing less. You don't have to apologise to me or anyone in this house. I'm more concerned about what happened to you." Niki mumbled into her hair, making it hard for Jules to hold her tears back.

"He's my best friend, Niki. And I kissed him." The girl pulled away as she raised an eyebrow, "He kissed you first right? Plus, it's alright to develop feelings for your best friend."

The next part she wasn't sure whether she should say, but nonetheless she did it anyways, "He said something about getting back at me and someone before he kissed me."

"Oh my God, he actually fucked up." Niki facepalmed, which caught her off guard, letting out a small chuckle at the sudden cuss word.

It was the feeling of two hands on hers that made Jules make eye contact with Niki once more, only to see a serious expression. "Jules, please don't be mad. But Will planned to avoid you and also use you as a way to get back at Jeremiah. He really didn't mean to! He was just really upset all day and I thought he was just rambling- I didn't know he was actually-"

Jules sniffed a bit before she squeezed Niki's hand as a way to tell her to stop, "It's okay, Niki. It's not your fault, I understand what I did wrong and Will had every right to be mad."

It was somewhat true of course. Jules was stubborn but so was Will. They fuelled each other up, like gas and fire. It wasn't the first time this had happened of course, but every time it did they would eventually make up.

Although kissing her for that reason was a bit of a dick move.

Getting up, Jules smiled at Niki, "Thank you for everything Niki, I'm just gonna have a talk with Jeremiah real quick. I can call a taxi for you and Phil if you'd like?"

Niki shook her head at the girl as she hugged her, to which Jules returned the gesture, "Phil's already got it covered. Go talk to Jeremiah, and Will if you can, they're upstairs. Just please take care of yourself and don't be too mad at Will."

As they pulled away Jules threw a forced grin at her, "Oh, don't worry. I'm not mad."

Jules walked Niki to Phil before waving them goodbye as they got into their taxi before heading up the stairs.

Indeed she had said that she wasn't mad.

Yet that didn't mean she wasn't pissed.

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