Chapter 2 - The Beginning - Part II

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Here we see (Y/N) eating a giant strawberry mochi, and was walking home, he thought a lot about what happened as he slowly walked along the path enjoying the view and his mochi.

Then all of a sudden, He heard explosions down the street a few steps ahead. He ran in the direction of the blasts, arriving at the scene of another villain attack. This time it was a green, sludge villain.

The Pros and even the new heroine is at the scene and are having trouble fighting and getting near the villain. The villain has already destroyed a chunk of some buildings and some aflame. The heroes could only hope that someone with the right quirk arrives.

(Y/N) then realized that the explosion the sludge is emitting is the same as Bakugo's.

"That couldn't be a coincidence, it's the same as his."  He thought, he then noticed something or someone inside the sludge. He saw a spiky ash blonde hair.

"Shit it's him!" he thought, "Damnit none of the Pros are doing jackshit to save him, they can't touch the villain but they can distract it, Oh i'm going to break so many rules by doing this and maybe piss off some pros."

He was about to jump in but a pro screamed.

"No, you idiot! Stop you're gonna get yourself killed!" Screamed Powerloader

He saw who it was, he was happy and scared at the same time cause he knows he's playing with fire right now.

"Here goes nothing." He said to himself before rushing to the scene,


"No! Not you too!" Mt. Lady screamed.

As he was high in the air he saw Midoriya throw his backpack at the villain and luckily it hit the villains eye, creating a window of time to try to pry Bakugo off the villain's grip.

"What the hell are you doing here dumb Deku?!?" Angrily questioned Bakugo.

"My legs moved on their own! I don't know why either!" Answered Midoriya while he desperately tried to free Bakugo but the slime body made it impossible.

"Out of my way!" The sludge yelled at Midoriya. He was about to hit Midoriya but a green flames hit his hand in which incinerated it to atoms.

"No the fuck you don't!"

"(L/N)!" Midoriya was happy to see (Y/N) leaping down as smoke is escaping his mouth. The villain focused on (Y/N) who's constantly dodging blows, while Midoriya is slowly trying to pry Bakugo off the villain. But the villain landed a lucky hit on (Y/N)'s face causing him to fall face first on the ground.


"Finally! And you now die!" The villain raised his hands to attack Midoriya.

"Those kids will get themselves killed!" The Pros were about to jump into action, when a tall, blonde, mascular man blocked the attack.

"I really am pathetic, I told you the traits that make a great hero, but I see now that I was not living up to my own ideals!" He said protecting the students, "Pros are always risking their lives, that's the true test of a hero."

"All might!" The three students screamed in awe. (Y/N) moved out of All Might's way and grabbed Midoriya and transforming his hand into that of a monster plunging his claws deep into the pavement because his instinct is telling him to.

"Damn you All Might!" The sludge villain shouted prepping for another attack. All Might grabbed Bakugo before attacking.

"Detroit SMASH!"

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