Chapter Ten: Merry Christmas

Start from the beginning

"And I think you need to stop being a spoiled, bitchy, stuck-up, lying, promiscous wanna be Paris Hilton before I give you more than a slap in the face, you dirty, trailer-trash call girl."

And with that, I picked up my handbag and left her house without a backwards glance.


As I walked through my front door, I saw my mother and two of my little cousins, Paris and Andre, hanging up Christmas decorations on a seven- foot Christmas tree. My mother had her hair pulled into a messy bun and stood on top of a stool as she decorated the top half of the tree. Paris and Andre dropped what they were doing as I closed the door behind me and dropped my bag on the couch.

"Apwil!" They cried in unison as they ran into my legs and reached up for me to pick them up. I did as they wanted and lifted them in each arm as I gave them a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, Andre and Paris!" I said, equally as excited. "What's up?"

Paris laid her head on my shoulder as she said, "Auntie say we decowate fo' Cwismas!"

I laughed at their inability to pronounce their R's and walked over to my mom who came down from the ladder to embrace me in a hug.

"Hey, April." My mom said happily. "How are you?"

"Good. I spent the night at a friend's house last night, just in case you're wondering."

"That's fine." She said. Andre started to become very needy as he yanked on one of my earrings for attention.

"Ow!" I quickly put him and Paris on the ground so they would be able to continue decorating the tree.

"Go wash up and then you can come back downstairs and help us with the decorations." My mom said as she ascended the ladder again.

"Kay." I said as I grabbed my bag and carried it up to my room. As I took off my watch and began to undress, my cell phone vibrated in my bag before playing "The Way" by Ariana Grande. I looked at the caller ID before answering it and putting it on speakerphone. I placed it on my bed.


"Hey, April." I heard Dominic's voice come through my phone.

"Hey, Dominic." I said. I removed my undergarments and wrapped myself in a robe before tying my hair in a bun.

"I just called to make sure that you reached home safely." He said casually.

"Aw, thanks." I said, smiling. "I'm about to go shower and then go downstairs and help with the decorations."

"Alright. Have a good night."

"You too."



After my shower, I got dressed in my sweats and a tank top before going downstairs. The tree was finished and it looked absolutely beautiful. Red and green ribbons wrapped around the tree where it ended at a large star that sat perfectly on top. The ornaments and decorations were flawless and a few presents sat under the tree, also.

Paris and Andre were fighting over a video game while my mother was busy preparing dinner. I walked over to the counter and peered in the pot that was almost bubbling over with soup.

"Can I help?" I asked, placing the lid back on the pot.

"No, thank you, I'm fine." My mother said. Whenever it came to cooking, my mother liked to do everything herself so she will be able to have bragging rights. "But what you can do is watch Paris and Andre for me. They will kill each other if no one is watching them."

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