I never go back on my words

Start from the beginning

Lin : "" "".

He pulls Ammu and cuddle her to his chest and kissed her forehead. He didn't try to do anything beyond as she may laugh aloud from tickle.

Ammu : Lin are you still angry with me as you said before. Will you avenge me.

Lin  hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead before saying.. "Ammu I never go back on my words."

Ammu  sighed in grief and said .... I love you Lin (in a husky voice) and hugged him.

Lin : "" "

They both laid there and slept intertwined.

Ammu woke at 4:00 am from the sound of the alarm, she immediately shut it off not to wake up Lin. After having black coffee she went to take bath in the pond with her cousins, they played splashing waters and all came out from water when Grandma scolded.

They lighted lamp and did the rituals to welcome  Mahabali, in  Hindu mythology there was a very gracious and virtuous  ruler named Mahabali. Onam is considered as the day in which he comes to visit his land and people whom he ruled earlier. We celebrate his visit with Onam songs and delicious feast.

Ammu went to her room to check on Lin but he was still sleeping. She watched him sleeping and thought how stubborn he is with his decision.

I thought he had changed and started liking me from heart, but he seems to be too adamant. I don't know why as much as he hates me my love for him is increasing. He said he will kill me with his love and .I ... I will die to love him . He is the first man in my life who touched me, kissed me and loved me even though he says his love is for killing me, still its love.

Ammu laid their deep in her thought and didn't notice Lin looking at her. When  realised his stare, she smiled at him....

Ammu: ( stood up and sat on the bed) Good morning... Come downstairs and see the decorations and pookalam.

Lin : I will come after shower.

Ammu : Do you need coffee or tea now.

Lin : No...

In the afternoon they all had feast together, it was difficult for Lin and Fuzhi to have food  in plantain leaves that too sitting on the floor  . Ammu sat in between them and guided them how to have payasam (a sweet dish made with milk, sugar, jaggery and other traditional Indian savouries).

After lunch  all their relatives went back and Ammu sadly packed her luggage. Chinnu came to her room to say that grandpa is calling her.

Grandpa : Ammu, we need to go to hospital to get your vitamin tablets, your uncle insisted to do a review check up before you return to China. Get ready we will go now.

Ammu : Review check up, no need grandpa can't you see that Iam fine now.

Grandpa : Get ready Ammu, no more talks on that.

Ammu : hmm okay Grandpa , then let me inform Lin,we will go together.

Grandpa :Why to bother him, it's just a matter of one hour. Go get ready fast.

Ammu  ran to her room and got ready, on the way to hospital she send a message to Lin. Lin didn't reply to her message.

After one hour they reached home, Ammu immeditely went to her room and changed her dress. She went to outhouse and saw Lin checking his phone.

Ammu : Have you done with packing.

Lin : hmm, why did you go to hospital.

Ammu : Oh,so you saw the message. its just  for review check up.
That day I got discharged from hospital compelling my uncle, he allowed us as I promise to go for review check up another day. Actually he wanted me to be in observation for one more day. Today I offended him a bit, see what he did, asked me to do blood test again. Iam afraid when they put needle on me and  he knows that. I hate him....

Lin rolls up his eyes in frustration as Ammu explains a lot for his simple question.He couldn't understand why she just xan answer to the question.Went fir review check up is enough,why she is explaining how they took blood test .He doesn't listens to what she was saying.

Ammu : Lin, when you will listen to me.... You never hears what I say to you.... Isn't it. Thank god atleast you had the patience to listen to me when I called you the day of our marriage.....

Lin :Who told I heard you, I just kept the phone down and went to washroom. When I came back I heard you asking something... I said "you to decide" just like that.

Ammu :(confused and stunned) You didn't hear what I said....

Lin : No.. Ammu, don't expect me to do as what you want, I behave upon my will and not to satisfy your whim. Do you think I don't have any other work than to listen to your stupid babbling

Ammu : "" ""

She leaves outhouse in grief and goes to the house pond. She sits on the steps putting her feet into the water. Later she goes to her room.

Grandma : Ammu, why are you in the bed now....,what happened. Is everything alright child...

Ammu :Nothing grandma, just reluctant to go back.

Grandma : Don't worry, after all you are going with your husband...

Ammu : hmmm

Grandma : Grandpa brought some vitamin tablets for you, you should have it daily without forgetting. Keet it  in your bag without fail. Lin told you all won't be having dinner and will leave at 8 pm.

Ammu : Is he here

Grandma : Yes, talking with your grandpa....

While in balcony....

Lin : Grandpa, so we are leaving. Are you worried about Ammu. You pray for her what else can you do.

Grandpa : I will pray for sure son, not for her but for you. If anything happens just think about this old man and you can come to me for help anytime.

Lin sneers and goes to Ammu's room. He finds Ammu sleeping in her bed. Lin pats on her shoulder. She wakes up and smiles, sorry I slept.

Later at 8 pm they bids farewell to Chinnu, grandpa and grandma and goes to airport.

Back in China....

They reached China at 8 am. Yong waited in the airport to receive them. Fuzhi went in his own car and Yong took Ammu and Lin to the  villa.

Lin : did you arrange what I ask for.

Yong : Yess boss, it's under progress , may be within three days you will get the report. What happened boss,is everything fine,.All on a sudden you wanted to investigate on Madam Simi.

Lin : It's I feel something weird from her grandpa's attitude. He is not at all afraid of my any threats, he is too confident. I thought they will abandon her for marrying a foreigner but he spoiled my plan by getting us married in their rituals. I feel he purposely did it to trap me. And he said she is not what I see, let's see what she is made of.

Yong : How can you be trapped by marriage.

Lin : "" ""

While Ammu lays on his shoulder playing with her phone without understanding what they are talking. , Yong watched Ammu  through rear view mirror and feels pity for her.

love beyond borders : An Emotional SagaWhere stories live. Discover now