"Your a lot more smarter than you let on and you chose to hid it?" Damian couldn't help but noticed the odd almost questionable look she was giving him and he questioned her

"What is it?" 

"Something about your eyes...I'm not sure why. But something about them feels almost....familiar to the type of feeling I've felt for most of my life, haven't had this feeling since before I left California and came here." Her saying that Damian looked over at Tim with the same surprised look on there faces and that made Isabella confused by that and she questioned them

"Was it something I said?" She didn't get her answer right away since she had to return back home with Dick who showed up from one of his day jobs and offered to take Isabella home in his bike which she was happy with, despite the lolita dress she can still ride a bike in it since she had bloomers under her dress.

"There's actually something I've been wanting to ask us?"Dick asked Isabella that when that had to stop due to small after work traffic and she answered him

"What is it?"

"You wouldn't happen to know any other people like Lex Luthor would ya? Tim told us after yawl came back." Him asking that Isabella sighed

"Sadly yes, well not me directly at first. It was actually Danica that knew him first.....Vandal Savage."Dick was surprised hearing that it was Danica that had connections with him and he wanted to know more about it and let Isabella speak more

"She met him when she was nineteen not long after her parents died when she was traveling a broad.." As Isabella spoke Dick started driving when the traffic started moving again

"Long story short not long after meet Lex I accidentally bumped into the guy when I was visiting my mom's family in Denmark, he thought I was her because of our similarities. Luckily when I met him I already had met Danica and her friends so I knew how to contact her and tell her about what had happened."

"So Danica is the one that has connections with that guy?" Isabella sighed with disappointment when she said that

"Danica feels the same way as I do, we're both scared about what would happen if we suddenly cut contact with them. I guess we both have bad luck, Danica has it worse, just when she was getting over being kidnapped by a creep around my age. Can't imagine how she felt at the time?" Dick was curious in wanting to know more but he had a feeling he shouldn't ask Isabella more about it, just when he was about to ask her another question they both had arrived at Isabella's new place when he stopped she got off his bike and handed him the helmet she let him borrow.

"Thank for taking me home Dick."

"Your welcome and it's no problem, I'm impressed you can ride a bike without any problems in that dress."Dick said that as he took the helmet from her and she answered him

"It takes practice." After she said that she waved bye to him and just when he was about to take off his phone started ringing and he answered it when Isabella went inside, upon getting in the front desk stopped her and shown that someone had brought her a bouquet vase of black magic iris's and bat orchids. Isabella knew who the bouquets was from and took from the manager of the building before she opened the security door with her key and heading upstairs, as she was heading to her place she started reading the card that was in the bouquet

"You did the right thing in changing your locations in keeping yourself and your mother safe." Isabella knew the bouquet wasn't sent by neither Lex Luthor or Vandal Savage, she knew they didn't knew she loved gothic flowers. Black orchids where one of Isabella's most favorite flower and she did let that knowledge go public, only two people know besides her friend. Her mother and the same person that always anomalously brought her bouquets of flowers and gifts for almost ten years, just when she was about to throw out the envelope she felt that where was something else in it that she missed.

"Is there something else in this?" She questioned herself as she stopped on her floor and after she opened the security door, Isabella poured out the item that was in the envelope and was surprised at what was in it. What poured out of her hand was beautiful black necklace with  a black wing on it with black diamonds, she was shocking seeing the necklace.

"This is new this never gave me jewelry before?" Isabella put the bouquet of flowers on the railing so that she can put the necklace around her neck, she thought about the dresses that she knew would look perfect with the necklace as she entered her home and was greeted by Cori.

"Hey, welcome back." He said that before he noticed the bouquet of flowers in Isabella's hands

"Are those iris's never seen them black before? What's that other flower with them?"

"There Bat orchids. I've received black iris's before but the bat orchids are a first." Was the answer Isabella gave Cori as she went up to him and she kissed her forehead before she put the vase down on the kitchen table

"Thought you where going to bring that painting you did of your model friend?" After Cori asked that question she answered him with a confused look on her face

"That's the thing I was just about to say to you, someone stole it."


The gothic lolita and the batfamilyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن