Chapter 10

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Beep beep beep beep beep

"Gggggrrrrrr" I growled wakeing up and falling out of my bed.

"E breakfast is-" Sam started but I yelled over him "Ok!"

"Jezz E I was just telling you!" He shouted from down stairs.

"You to stop yelling through my house and get ready for school!" My mom yelled.

I got up and turned on my lights and saw something flash in the corner of my eye. I turned around and looked out my window. Laylen was dancing in his shorts (yes shirtless, hey don't judge) and singing to something I couldn't here cause the windows were closed. I walked to the window and opened it. Laylens window was closed so I still couldn't hear it. Call me a stalker but it was hilarious, watching him dance and sing like a crazy person. And then he saw me laughing and then he stopped and ran to his window and through it open.

"Tell me why your watching me?" He asked a little embarrassed.

I jumped back slamming my window closed and started laughing again. When I opened the window again, his face was red with embarrassment. Shuting his blinds I heard him scream to me "Izzy I'm coming to get you!" And then laugh. I heard his door being closed, so I shut my window and quickly got dressed before hearing "Izzy!! Where are you?!"

I giggled and heard Sam say "Well come on in Laylen!"  Laughing again I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs screaming\giggling "Not here!"

"I can hear you!" He shouted as I sliped under the stairs so he wouldn't see me. Laylen stepped up the stairs slowly as I held my breath until he reached the top. Letting out a quiet breath I slipped out of my master hiding spot and ran outside. I heard Laylen growl and then stomp down the stairs, walking outside slamming the door behind him.

"Now tell me" He paused whipping his hands on his pants "Why were you watching me?"he continued as I thought. "Would you like to tell me or stand here looking at me like I'm stupid?" He asked as I was thinking of what to say and noticing I was starring at him.

"Oh umm, I just uhh saw you out of the corner of my eye, umm dancing like a circus freak!" I laughed at my own comment. (Yes I crack my self up don't judge!!)

"I'm a circus freak?" Laylen asked a little surprised.

"Well do you want to be a bear riding a tiny tricycle?" I asked walking twords the street hoping he'd follow, and he did.

"No I'm gonna stick with circus freak, but ya'know people tend to call me Laylen?" He said arching his eyebrow. "They do, do they?" I gigggled.

"Yeah, in fact I'm pretty sure that's my name, but who knows." He explained sarcastically and I laughed.

"Well that's not good, you need to know your name!" I cryed."Just like you always need to bring a pencil to school!" I laughed. He looked confused so I explained.

"If you don't have a pencil, you will miss your assignments, If you miss your assignments, you will have homework, If you have homework, you will forget to study, If you forget to study, you will not graduate, If you don't graduate, you will become disowned, If you become disowned, you will become a hobo, If your a hobo, you will die of starvation and hypothermia or a raccoon attack, If you die of starvation and hypothermia or a raccoon attack, that will suck. Always have a pencil.!" I explained out of breath.

Laylen pulled a pencil out of his backpack and said "Pencil, I will someday lose you, and I'm sorry and hope that day doesn't come soon and when it does come, please make sure you replace your self!" He cryed



"Ahh ha that's your name, Laylen!" I happily explained.

"Oh, um ha about that." He laughed.

"Lizzy!" I heard someone scream. I turned around and saw the one person I was actually glad to see, Aaron. Henry was tagging along at Aaron's side looking at the ground. He's been so sad lately. I was starting to worry about him.

"Hey guys!" I said stopping so they could catch up.

"Hey" Henry whispered and continued to look at the ground. I looked at Laylen and Aaron and mouthed what's wrong? They both shrugged.

"I'm fine Lizzy, I'll talk to you later" Henry whispered to me as soon as Laylen and Aaron were ahead of us. "Ok as long as you promise!" I whispered back. "I promise!" He smiled and rapped his arm around me lifting his head.



"Agghh!" I screamed but quietly. This jerk for say (his name was Alex) had slammed my locker door closed while I was going through my phone.

"What do you want asshole?" I asked looking back at my phone.

"Well, there's lots of things I want!" Alex laughed leaning against my locker.

"That are?" I asked trying to walk away but he grabbed my wrist, turned me around and pulled me into a kiss. I kicked him in ummm his "special" spot and then pulled his hair so his ear was level with my face. He was tall so

"Alex, I'm not your girlfriend, so stick to fucking Ashley and back the hell off!" I whispered, swinging my backpack around my shoulder and hearing Alex say "Stop playing hard to get I know you want me!" And I walked around the corner letting him smirk.

"Damn you told him girl!" Avery laughed running after me. Audrey was trying to do the same but Aaron wouldn't let her out of a kiss. They were a cute couple, I sware ment to be. They both couldnt get enough of each other and they never really fought unless it was about gossip or rumors and it had to do with one of them, that rarely happened anyway.

"Alright alright break it up you two are making everyone jealous." I screamed pushing them apart while Avery pushed Aaron away.

"I'll call you later!" Aaron managed before being pushed into the crowed hallway. Wait a minuet, why was it crowded? The bell hadn't even ra-

"Why the fuck would you kiss her?" I heard a female voice scream, Ashley. Avery and Audrey ran for the next hallway and I followed.

Scared Alex was leaning against a locker while Ashley was screaming his face. And then I looked around, I saw Laylen, Henry, and Aaron laughing like crazy.

"They must have something to do with this!" Avery said pointing at the tree laughing boys.

"I have a feeling they did too!" I said.


Everyone walked to there classes while I walked over to the lunch room with questions that needed to be answered!

Hey lovely readers! I'm back! Question of he day why do you always need a pencil? That was made up by the one and only amoney716. Well enjoy reading the new chapters!  ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

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