Chapter 9

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Talking to Sam was scary, hey pretty much cryed the whole time and Laylen and Aaron were discussing revenge plans the whole time too. They were all getting on my nerves so I told Sam we'd talk later and hung up.

"Really? I was trying to talk... so rude!" I complained punching Laylen in the arm.

"Sorry Lizzy, Laylen has really good revenge plans!" Aaron explained.

"Well I'm tired of not having any girls around so I'm gonna call and see if Avery and Audrey want to come over!" I claped pushing them out of my room so I could call with out being interrupted.

"Hey let us back in!" Laylen cryed banging on the door.

  I ignored him and pulled out my phone. 


"Here take this it will make your head feel beter!" My mom said handing me pills.

"I'm fine" I assured her

"Take them!" She pushed a glass of water to me.

  Knock knock knock

"Come in!"  I screamed tossing the pills in my mouth an gulping water.

"Are you ready?" Avery asked

"Where are you going?' Laylen asked, sad that I was leaving. "And with...her?" Aaron made a face at Avery.

"First of all Avery is my friend, Henry's sister or not and second of all where I'm going your not so it doesn't have anything to do with you two!" I blurted to them and Avery laughed at sticked her tounge out the two of them.

"Thanks for saving me" I said to the girls closing the car door and plopping in the leather seat.

"No problem you needed a girl day, and besides its your last day before we have to go back to school!" Audrey spoke buckling her seatbelt surching for her keys.

"So I thought we could go get ice cream, go to the mall and walk around there!" Avery suggested sitting next to me in the back of Audrey's bright pink Beatle.

"Ok but I have until six so we better hurry!" I told them.


Ding ding

Mom: hey its almost six where are you?

Me: oh sorry mom on our way now Audrey wanted to go eat somewhere

Mom: well Henry showed up and all the boys are waiting for all of you out front so hurry

Me: ok

"My mom is asking where we are, can you drive any slower?" I teased

"Sorry I'll hurry jezz bossy cow!" Audrey laughed

My mom was right, all the guys were up front waiting for us. They didn't look happy ethier, I didn't know what happened but as soon as we stepped out of the car the showerd us with questions.

"Where were you? I got my ass chewed because you wouldn't answer your phone!!" Henry screamed at Avery and then they got in a brother sister fight.

"And you! Your-" that's all I heard before Audrey started screaming back at Aaron.

Laylen looked at me and I could tell he was pissed but I didn't know why. All we did was go do girl stuff, and I texted my mom and told her what we were doing so I didn't understand. And then suddenly all the boys fell over laughing.

"Wha, wha what the" I finally got out, I was so confused I had no idea what was going on and I had a feeling that neither did Avery or Audrey.

"Y-you should of seen your face, you were like, oh shit!" Henry laughed clenching his stomach.

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