How to Blue Aura (Quirk Explanation)

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Note: Feel free to skip this! I mean it's more information and my own speculations on the self-created quirk. Take this as my word vomiting corner. If you'd like, you can come back to this anytime!

Blue Aura can be in any shape or form.

Like I mentioned in its solid form, it can be molded into any shape that is desired. It may also be used as a barrier, but such a large scale would require a short cooldown before Blue Aura can be utilized again. The Aura can hurt anyone when they touch it, you can visualize it as a laser that can cut through anything. It is very much like Todoroki's ice.

When it's in its liquid state, it can be used as a liquid that can break away or melt anything or the user can use it as a quick way to get between places. It can also creep like ice, so if the user's hands are on an object it can slowly move along the surface. The user is immune to the liquid, so it won't kill them, but it will harm others.

(Also a small note, the user can control whether the liquid is fatal/destructive or not. If it's not fatal then touching it would only serve as a short-term numbing. The non-fatal version will not affect any objects.)

In its gas state, it can be created into any kind of gas or be used as a smog screen. But the user would need to know the basic compound of the gas to create it, much like Yaoyorozu's quirk. The user is not immune to the side effects of the gas, so it will still affect them. (Hence the gas mask)

The aura glows, no matter what form it is in. The quirk isn't focused on the user's hands but the whole body. So even if their hands are severed they can still use the quirk.

Object creation is a very different thing. It is when the user thinks about a certain object while activating the solid form of the quirk. The user would need a clear knowledge of the object's appearance to create it. The knowledge of its chemical compound is not needed.

So, if creating too many objects will lead to stamina loss, then is visiting Recovery Girl not the best choice in action? Yes. The user will have to avoid those kinds of healing, so they have to be very careful when they use their quirk.

So how does the quirk activate?

I'm not sure how to explain this since I'm not the type to think about it myself.

I can only think of it in two ways, one, it is much like Yaoyorozu's creation quirk, the more you eat, the more you can use your quirk; or it can be that it directly takes the liquid inside your body and then emits the quirk.

Liquid: Uses the liquid inside the user's body. The drawback is that it quickly leads to dehydration, so water is very much needed after overusing the quirk.

Gas: It is the same air as the user breathes in. If the user can't breathe, then that form of the quirk will not be able to be used. It can be emitted in two ways, through the skin or from the mouth or nostrils (most efficient, but a bit nasty).

How lethal is it?

If the user is careful with their aim, then I wouldn't say so. But, it can immediately kill someone.

Do environments drawback or give a boost to the quirk?


What are some "signature" moves that MC can do?

Clone creation. Well, it's not literal, but he can create human figures to feign things. When up close, it's just a glob of his aura that has a human shape. He usually makes them when he activates his gas.

He can do this thing where he can make his gas like a bomb. It was his to-go move ever since he was younger. He would breathe out the gas into his hands then encapsulate it into a ball. Did I also mention that he can control the intensity of the gas' effect?

What are ways that MC is trying to improve on his quirk?

Building immunity to himself. He can touch the liquid and solid form just fine because of his genetics. It's just the gas that's a problem.

MC's been doing this for a while actually. He's fine with low concentrations of his quirk, but if he's in an enclosed area, then he'll also be one of the victims.

If he has a gas mask on, then how does he activate his quirk?

Easy, remember how I said that he can also emit it from his hands? His gas mask is also specially made so that it can allow the air he breathes out to not be filtered, but only filter the air he breathes in. Very high-tech.

Can his mood affect his quirk?

Absolutely. It also sets the default strength of the gas and liquid. If he's feeling unhappy or tired, it's pretty much harmless. If his bloodlust is triggered or is riled up (angered), it can almost kill someone in an instant. If he's happy or neutral...then it's normal.

What does his quirk smell like?

Uhhh, this is a weird question. Nothing actually. His gas doesn't smell like anything unpleasant, it's just like breathing in air. His solid form just smells like something that's burning. The smell of fire you can say.

I'd like to answer a few (maybe not) very useful questions about MC.

What are some "instincts" that he has?

He may seem calm and, in fact, a bit air-headed. But due to his father's occupation, he can detect a presence even if they are using a quirk (like invisibility, illusion, transformation...).

Weird things?

When he was younger, he used to use his quirk to make a "lightsaber". It was just a sword that was covered in the aura. He got banned from doing it after he bore a hole into his room wall.

This isn't very weird, but he's able to cover himself with his quirk since his body is immune to the substance. Makes him sort of like Tokoyami's Dark Shadow,

During boredom, he sometimes likes to create ocean creatures with the liquid version of his quirk, he can even manipulate them too (using air). He's so far only mastered cephalopods and sharks.

He also sometimes can get a bit crazy. "Just throw in a bit of a 'boom-shaka-laka' and then you'll get the job done!" was one of his mottos when he was fighting against a school rival. As much as the motto seems joyful, it's actually terrifying when he says it.

Is he close with the Third-years of UA?

He knows a few faces and they know him. His brother sometimes drags him around to go on meets with his friends, so they do have some sort of relationship.

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