2. heart of glass

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@morticiaantilla : wtf um ok ig. see you soon then.

Joonas sent me the address to the studio and I decided I was going to go. I mean why the fuck not. I can still focus on school but have some fun before I pour my entire soul into studying.

I pulled into the parking lot and sat in my car for a minute. After texting Joonas I was here I grabbed my purse and started walking towards the building. As I was walking up I heard a bird like sound coming from above me. I noticed the sound wasn't stopping. It sounded like whatever was making that noise was in pain. I looked up expecting to see a bird or at least some feathers. Instead I looked up and saw blonde messy curls poking out of the window. Then I saw the blonde's entire head with that smirk. The stupid lopsided smirk.

I stood and looked up at him disapprovingly. "You look like a mom. It's hot." Joonas yelled down to me. "Careful Joonas. Your mommy kink is showing." I yelled back at him. He laughed and his head left the window. I stood there for a minute until the door opened and there was the blonde boy. Today he was wearing a white t-shirt that had a little smiley face on the front with the devil coming out. He was also wearing black jeans and a black beanie. God I haven't even known him for two days but he makes me blush. I also lowkey feel like I've known him my entire life. I know, another cliche phrase but it's true.

He walked up to me and motioned for me to come in. "So Morticia," he started, actually saying my full name. "Your name really matches you style huh". By his tone I could tell he was being sarcastic. I wore my dad's old white button down that was like 5 sizes too big for me with a black corset I found in my moms closet back when I was like 17. All I did was roll my eyes and focus on getting to the studio. We eventually made it and he let me in.

For the second time in the past 24 hours 6 pairs of eyes were on me. This time for different reasons. "Hey Tish! Is it alright if I call you that?" Aleksi was the first to greet me. "Hey Aleksi. Yeah my mom calls me Tish that's fine." I smiled back at him. "Did you guys hear that bird sound Joonas made a few minutes ago? Does he do that all the time" I asked the boys in the room. They all looked at each other and laughed. Obviously there was something they knew that I didn't. "Yes, he does it all the time. But be careful Morticia. Joel is afraid of birds so it's best not to mention it around him." the drummer, Tommi said leaning into me for the last part. He said it loud enough that everyone could hear and we all started laughing. Joel just shrugged and took a sip of his beer with a smile. We talked for a bit and then decided to get to work.

"All right. So let's record this Mort." Joonas said handing me a pair of headphones. "Hold on, I don't even know what I'm doing. I should be focused on getting ready for school not recording a Blondie song." I tried to stop him. "Two words Mort. Debby. Harry." He said shoving the headphones in my hands. All I could do was sigh and place them on my head. After thirty minutes of searching we decided on 'Heart of Glass', another classic.

"Alright Tish get ready, three, two, one, and go." Aleksi counted me off.

Once I had love and it was a gas. Soon turned out had a heart of glass. Seemed like the real thing only to find. Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.

I looked up and locked eyes with Joonas as I sang and we both smiled. His blue eyes look like the ocean. They're absolutely gorgeous. Someone better have been a lifeguard because I'm going to drown in them.

In between, what I find is so pleasing and I'm feeling fine. Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind. If I fear i'm losing you, it's just no good. You teasing like you do.

Niko and Joel were smiling and having a side conversation as I was singing. They noticed me looking and Niko gave me a thumbs up. Joel just nodded and I smiled his way.

blondie - joonas porkoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ