Chapter 9

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Hey readers, sorry for the late update, and tbh I couldn't write anything I have just not been able to do anything at all cause I guess life happened. But anyways as always I'm here and that's what really matters. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, please let me know your thoughts, it helps me write.

Thank you so much for reading!!

Potter Manor :

"Oh, come on Sirius, you can't wear that to the trial atleast wear a suit I'm not asking you to wear the traditional robes", Euphemia said pushing an arguing Sirius back in his room to change.

She turned around to see Remus holding a giggling Harry, her eyes filled with love and for a second she was reminded of her own son James.
She gushed at him " Oh, Harry , may you always be happy like this, she said ruffling his unruly hair, laughing with her grand son, " you know James looked exactly like this when he was little, expect his eyes", "he's got Lily's eyes said Remus smiling sadly at Euphemia.

After a complete 45 minutes of banging and yelling at Sirius' door he finally came out wearing the suit Euphemia had given him looking handsome as ever.

Both Remus and Euphemia huffed while Fleamont Potter laughed who was carrying Harry on his shoulder, and was busy sucking his rattle.

"What, I had to do my hair again! " Exclaimed Sirius.

"Whatever you say, let's get going or else we are going to be late, Appius must be waiting for us too."

A green fire roared in the fire place and Sirius followed behind.

They walked through the crowded busy Atrium straight to the trail room with Mr. Appius who was waiting outside the door for them and were not surprised to see the entire Wizengamot present.

Sirius walked in silently trailing behind Mrs. Potter and sat down ignoring the glares of Pettigrew's mother, zoning out everything and everyone, he only looked up when he was called up and walked to the designated spot to him and sat down, his eyes searching for his mum, she smiled at him reassuring him everything will be alright and he nodded at her.

"So, Mr. Black," started Bartemius Crouch making Sirius flinch at the name but he still nodded and Crouch continued, "do you plead guilty for the murder of Peter Pettigrew?

"No, he is alive, I didn't kill him".

"Do you have any proof?"

"Yes, we have several eye witnesses", replied Appius.

"Permission to call them?" asked Appius.


And to Wizengamot's surprise walked in Alastor Moody and an entire team of aurors.

Crouch looking bewildered yelled " what is the meaning of this?" To which Appius simply replied"witnesses". If Crouch looked angry earlier this  made him look like he was gonna explode any moment now. Sirius couldn't help but find the  scene hilarious but kept his mouth shut.

" Well, let's see what they have to say" said Dumbledore. So Alastor stepped up to speak and explained the entire story of how Sirius tipped off him about Peter's location and how he cut off his finger, blasting off muggles and running off from the scene.

"And as far as the accusation of murdering Pettigrew goes, Sirius wasn't present in the location."

"Now, that's that and if you want you can also check Mr. Black's wand," said Appius.

Crouch was redder than before and looked close to exploding when an elderly member of the Wizengamot called for vote.

The trial was over Sirius was cleared off the accusation but under observation so he couldn't leave Britain until Pettigrew was proven alive, sighted or caught.

Sooo sorry that was all ik it's a lame chapter and late upload but really can't do much I'm messed up in my head really can't do nothing.
Will try to do better in the next one.

Thank you for reading!
Love ya
It's a shitty chapter but if you still think it's nice please vote and comment freely about what you liked or disliked and do share.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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