Chapter 4

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Hiyaaa everyone, new chapter. Ah I know i took time in updating but eh, i wasn't well so i couldn't but here I'm now. Hope you'll like it.

And omg people actually read this book I mean you people read something written by mee!! So i am kinda excited thank you soo
o much for reading also wanted to thank Omasko422 for voting it really means alot to me, so thank you very much!!!

Happy reading!!!

It's been an entire week since that night in Godric's Hollow, Sirius and Remus were still in the Potter manor, helping Euphemia and Fleamont Potter take care of their grandson, Harry.
Currently, Sirius was sitting in Harry's nursery making colourful puff smoke from his wand, like James used to do, to cheer up Harry, but Harry was not laughing and clapping like his usual self, he wouldn't even play on his toy broomstick that Sirius got him for his birthday, yes they brought a few of his stuff from the cottage, that survived anyway, but Harry kept asking for his Dada in his baby voice, everytime Harry said "Pafoo, Dada" it would break Sirius' heart but he held back his tears and continued to play with Harry, sometime later Euphemia entered the room to check on them, she bought Harry's baby food with herself, was it already noon, thought Sirius he's been inside the room with Harry since morning.

He smiled at the woman and excused himself, he needed to sort out few things, he went to check on Remus, he knew the full moon was approaching he has to be there this time, the war has separated all of them and Moony has been left alone through all his transformations, it was painful he knew, seen him transform so many times he knew that too well. It will be hard though without Prongs, the rat was never of much use anyways, he thought bitterly.

He knocked on a door and walked inside when he heard a soft "Come in."

"Oh its you, do you need something?" Remus asked.

"Yes I need to know how are you doing? You need something?" came back Sirius' answer.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking" Remus replied.

"Shut up, Moony, I know its the time of the month, I know we haven't been there for it lately but now the war is over and whether you like it not I'm going to be there with you" Sirius yelled and walked out of the room angrily.

Leaving behind a flustered Remus who just nodded his head mumbling a timid "Okay".

Sirius walked into the kitchen " Tory, Tory" he called and soon an elf came out "Oh its master Sirius, what can I do for you" said the elf bowing deeply.

"Oh, stop it, Tory I've asked you not to call me master and you don't have to bow to me and also can you make a big mug of hot chocolate for Remus, and give it to him in his room, please."

"Of course, master, Tory will do that right away. Tory will also make him some chocolate pudding, it always makes him happy. Do you want to eat something too? Tory can make something for you too eat."

"Thanks Tory, I owe you! And no I don't want anything, also don't call me master". He called after her.

He entered the fireplace and flooed to the Ministry, he needed to talk to Moody about Peter, he has been searching for the rat.

Of course Moody is busy but he has to hear him, he walked straight towards the Auror department, the ministry was in utter chaos but he found his way to Moody's office but Moody wasn't there, he was in the court room for some trial, so he decided to wait in his office. About what was an hour and half or something Moody entered his office to find Sirius sitting there.

"Black, fancy seeing you here", greeted Moody gruffly.

"It is a pleasure to see you too Moody, I know you are busy, but this is important".

"Alright, alright. What is it?" said Moody.

"It's about Peter Pettigrew, he has been laying low sin- since that night" it was hard to even think about it, and to have to talk about it for Sirius, "but yesterday he was sighted in muggle London in a pub, you see I'm friends with the barman there and I've alerted everyone, we know to inform us if they see Peter", now Sirius had Moody's full attention.

"I suspect there is more," said Moody.

"Yes," nodded Sirius but continued nevertheless " he's been hiding in muggle London, somewhere near the pub, but you'll have to act fast, promise me, you'll go there tomorrow morning, he won't stay for long the death eaters are looking for him too".

"How do you know that the death eaters are looking for him?" asked Moody looking at him suspiciously.

"Walburga Black is my mother, you know that, don't you?" chuckled Sirius.

"Alright, I'll go there tomorrow with my team and before you say it, no Sirius you'll not be coming with me, no matter what you say" Moody huffed.

"Okay, whatever it takes to catch that rat" said Sirius.

"Well, see you around then", saying this  Sirius walked out of the office.

He saw Dumbledore apparate from the ministry and after a few minutes he decided it was time for him to go too.

Sirius arrived at Hogwarts, just a few minutes later than Dumbledore, though Dumbledore was in his office, Sirius went straight to McGonagall's office, he entered after he heard a familiar 'Enter', she looked up to see who it was, "Oh Mr.Black, how can I help you?" she asked. He walked up to her desk, sighing loudly, then asked "How are you doing, Minnie?, he asked her using the nickname he gave her all those years ago. Minerva smiled, nodding her head "It's just, you know hard to believe that it has happened, to think that James and Lily are no more", she sniffed in her hankercheif, Sirius stood up at once and hugged her, he has always been close to Minerva, she was one of the mother figures in his life. She composed herself after a minute or two, and spoke again this time angrily  "and all this people are celebrating and what not and have you seen these publishers they have been writing so much about Harry, the boy lost his parents and all they wanna know is what powers he has, and how he managed to live, they have been giving him titles, how ridiculous and Albus wanted to leave him to the muggles".  

" Yes, as a matter of fact I have seen these papers and Harry is going to be famous, they have been calling him the boy who lived, the story has spread very quickly and people are coming with all sorts of theories and rumours, I just hope it all fades when he grows up, you know I don't want him to have any kind of burden or pressure upon himself he was already gone through a lot".

"Speaking of him, how is Harry doing?" asked Minerva

"Not good, he understands, something has happened, he has been asking for his Mum and Dada", answered Sirius blinking back tears, "I think he is having nightmares, he wakes up every night crying."

"Oh poor child, it must be traumatising, he doesn't even know what has happened", she cried.

"And, and Euphemia and Fleamont, are they okay?"

"Well, Mum is putting up a brave front and tries to keep herself busy, and Dad, well he is just trying as much as we are," Sirius said.

"It will be alright, Sirius, just be there for Harry and Remus when they need you, we'll all get through this, together" promised Minerva, giving him a kind, rare smiles of her.

Sirius thanked her and took his leave, he had some important business here, he went to the gargoyle that guarded the Headmaster's office and then remembered, he doesn't have the password, he cursed himself for being an idiot and turned around to get the password from Minnie, but Dumbledore was already standing behind him. 

Please let me know thoughts in the comments and please feel free to point out my mistakes.

Hope you all enjoyed it.

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