Chapter 8

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Heyy guys, I know I've been gone too long without updating but hey here I'm so :)) hehe
Thank you for understanding. Love y'all!!

Sirius sat waiting impatiently anxious about Petunia's decision. What if she denies, and says she wants to do nothing with Harry and what if Voldemort comes back, how will he save Harry from him? All these questions ran through his mind and he sat just there in his godson's nursery watching him sleep. So much was going on, James and Lily were gone and Peter betrayed them, yes Pettigrew had managed to escape somehow and now he had a trial to face tommorrow and its also the full moon approaching in a week's time he has to there with Moony it will just be Remus and him, it will have to do because James has left them and the rat wasn't much of use anyways.

James, his brother, they won't be able to race each other in their animagus forms anymore or rather in any form now.

He looked around the room, someone just apparated, someone who's invisible, his hand instantly on his wand all thoughts forgotten only Harry and his safety on his mind but he soon he heard a familiar voice, a squeaky voice, it's just me Master Sirius, he looked down it was Tory the house elf, he let out a sigh then, "what the hell Tory why would you appear out of thin air so suddenly" Sirius questioned looking relieved and panicked at the same time. Though, Tory raised her eyebrows at Sirius, the answer came from the door, "because that's how they travel Padfoot, stop asking Tory silly questions and come down Euphemia and Fleamont are back and wants to talk to us".

"Oh, okay. Said Sirius still giving an annoying look to Tory who just smiled at Sirius more annoyingly to irritate him more. And then both the friends left to talk the elderly couple, leaving Tory in the nursery who was looking after Harry.

Soon, they were all seated around the kitchen with teas, butterbeers and hot chocolate in their hands.

"So, what did Petunia say?", Sirius asked taking a sip of his butterbeer.

"Well, she has agreed, of course  to help us keep Harry safe, but she has a few conditions, which are legitimate and nothing which can't be fulfilled", added Euphemia. When no one seemed to make any comment she continued, "she wants protection for her family obviously from Voldemort and Harry shouldn't be performing any magic in her and her family's vicinity and Harry isn't welcomed at her house, instead she'll be coming to visit Harry herself here", she said quickly before anyone could react.

After a long pause, Sirius and Remus nodded really not knowing what to say, but before they could leave their seats, Fleamont stopped them.

"Sirius, about your trial tomorrow I have talked to my lawyer, he'll handle everything you don't have to worry we just have to show up tomorrow and hopefully that'll be it and Remus you don't have to go if you don't want, Euphemia will be there with Sirius along with the lawyer. I'm staying back to watch Harry, we can't leave him alone and, we have discussed this", he said looking towards his wife "we don't trust anyone with Harry, we all are that he has got now and we are not putting him in danger".

Eeeeee, yeah that's all for this chapter!!!!
Its really short chapter but I hope you'll like it :))

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