Chapter 5 - All Alone In This

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Clementine slowly opened her eyes, and felt her head throb in pain.

"Argh. It feels like I slept on a rock.." Kenny smiled at her.

"Well, you slept under a tree, little lady. You're lucky you don't have any spiders in your hair." Clementine rolled her eyes.

"That's so 3 years ago." She laughed with Kenny.

"Alright, alright, ya weirdos. Kenny, can you look out just past the fence for walkers, and Luke and Clem, can you go check on Jane. I don't trust her." Kenny looked at Bonnie.

"You too?" He asked.

"Yeah. I dunno know what it is but something isn't right 'bout her."

Luke and Clementine left and headed to the other building. There were lunch tables surrounding it, where Jane was sitting. Luke turned to Clementine.

"I'll go check it out. I want you to go see if Kenny's okay."
Clementine frowned.

"Why? I wanna help you!" She whined. "Just do it, please. I don't trust Jane as it is, but Kenny has been losin' it lately." Luke said. Clementine sighed and walked off to Kenny. Luke went to Jane, who was sitting on the opposite side of him. "Hey." He said.

"Uh, hi." Replied Jane.

"Where ya from?" Asked Luke.

"Nowhere." She said, before getting up and walking up onto the deck. "Looking for supplies now." She mumbled. Luke followed. I ain't bout to let her run off with supplies. He thought. When he got to the top of the stairs, he saw Jane trying to pry open the door to the storage. "It's fucking locked." She said to herself.

"Here, let me help." Replied Luke, checking out the lock. "Eh, needa flat head screwdriver." He said.

"Oh." Jane whispered, patting her pockets. "Will this work?" She asked, pulling out a small flat head.

"Yeah, it oughta." He grabbed it, and stuck it in the lock, twisted it this way and that way, eventually the lock flung open. He stood up, and pushed the door up, revealing a relatively empty room with a few boxes. He walked into it and looked around. "Hm." Out of nowhere Jane walked up to him, and grabbed him in a place that hasn't been touched for the past 3 years. His eyes grew wide. "W-what are ya doin'?" He stuttered, loudly. Jane stepped back.

"I have an offer for you." Luke looked at her, and gulped.


Clementine was with Kenny.

"Hey." Said Clementine. Kenny looked at her, his face softened.

"Hey, sweetie." He said. "Just thinkin'." She stood next to him.

"What about?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Sarita." He said. Clementine immediately regretted asking.

"Oh..." She said. "I'm sorry.." She lowered her voice. Kenny looked at her.

"No, I'm sorry for freaking out on you when ya did apologize." Clementine looked down at her hands. She didn't mean for this all to happen. Kenny hugged Clementine. She thought about Lee, and how he was like her father. She looked up at Kenny. He reminded her of a father, too. He's fathering me for Lee. She thought.

"Kenny... You-" she started to say, but she heard a scream. They ran to the rest of the group, to find Bonnie and Mike helping Rebecca.

"What's goin' on?!" Exclaimed Kenny.

"I- I think I'm in labor..." Answered Becca. Just then, they started hearing the lurkers groaning from all around them.

"Shit!" Mike whispered. "They can smell her.." Bonnie wrapped her arm around Rebecca.

"We gotta get her some place away from them!" Bonnie yelled. Clementine thought about it  then answered.

"There's a building that's high off the ground back where Jane was, a-and Luke!"

"Alright, let's go, hurry!" Bonnie said. Kenny took out his gun, and shot the zombies coming in.

Clementine lead them to the storage, and rushed up the steps.

"That was 'bout as human as I've felt in a long time.." Clementine heard. It was Luke. "-Clementine!" He noticed her. "It's uh- not what it looks like, Clem... I- we-" the rest of the group hurried up, Kenny first.

"The FUCK were you two doin' up here?!"  Luke was speechless. "We are out there fuckin' dying for all you know, and y'all are up here fuckin' around like a bunch of god damn teenagers!" Clementine flinches at how loud he is. Lurkers start to come up the deck.

"We don't have time to worry about that right now!" Mike yells.

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