The Best Kind Of Gift~ Pt. 4

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"Kai, I want you here. Trust me. It's not that." Roman choked up a bit as he stared at their hands, entertaining their fingers together before letting out a broken breath. "You and Virgil both, are the most important things in my life. You both mean so much to me. You made today so special just by being here with me. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't want you here."

"So what's wrong then, Angel, because something is obviously bothering you?" Roman smiled sadly as he gingerly held Kai's hand up, leaning over the table to press his lips against the other's fingers before just shaking his head. "Roman?"

"I can't. I'm sor-..." Roman's eyes flashed as he suddenly realized something was very wrong. His heart just dropped as his mind finally registered the lack of a third presence. Kai noticed right away the second Roman caught on.

"Shit. Roman? Ro, He's ok. He's..."

"Where the hell is Virgil?" Roman's eyes went a blinding white as he frantically started to look around, only to jump feeling the arms wrap around him, letting him barry into the human's chest as he choked unable to breathe under his spiralling thoughts. "W-Where... V-Vir-... Can't... I can't..."

"It's ok. He's ok. He had to use the restroom before we were sat down. He's safe."

"SAFE?!" Roman whined as he dug his fingers into Kai's back, clinging to him as tightly as he could. "He's not here. I can't see him. What if there are hunters here? There's too many people. Too many risks... I can't-... I can't..." Roman shook his head as his body trembled horribly. "The hunters are going to get him again. He's going to get hurt. I can't lose him. I can't lose Virgil. I just can't."

"Roman, Hun, can you do me a favor? Can you please try to tell me 5 things you can see?" Roman jerked at the question before pulling away, eyes dazed and dull, letting Kai brush his hair back with a sad teary smile. "Can you do that? Can you tell me 5 things you can see?"

"Table..." Roman muttered, his voice cracking horribly. He was struggling to latch on to anything. His mind felt hazy. Things were coming in and out of focus. "There's a table but... but I can't..."

"It's ok. Take your time." Roman squeezed his hands he looked around more feeling how Kai gently rubbed his thumb in a calming repetitive pattern. 

"Table, Lights... There's uh... a hat? I think there's a hat. Um..." Roman's eyes narrowed as looked over at the table beside him trying to focus on things that were closer to him rather than letting his eyes just wander as they had been doing. "Napkins... and menus?"

"Good. That's great Roman." Roman bit his lip as he reached out and pulled a napkin from the dispenser, rubbing it gently between his fingers. He could tell the haze on his mind was slowly going away as if he there was this rope wrapped around him, pulling him back to himself. "Can you tell me four things you can feel?"

"The napkin. My jeans. Your hands..." Roman blinked as he rubbed his thumb against the menu for a bit focusing on how different the texture was to the napkin still in his hand. "The menu."

"That's so good, Ro. What about three things you can hear?"

"I can hear a lot." Roman whined as his hands went to his ears, making Kai quickly move to hold them so that Roman didn't accidentally hurt himself. 

"It's ok, Roman. Try to focus on me, let everything else filter out." Roman whimpered as he pushed his head in against Kai's chest making the younger smile softly, trailing his fingers through his hair.

"Y-Your h-heart." Kai faltered a bit as Roman voice squeaked out suddenly. "Your heart."

"You can hear my heart beating?" Roman nodded letting out a soft sigh before looking up to meet Kai's eyes with a vulnerable expression.

"And your voice. Does that count?"

"Yea, it can count. You did great, hun. Just one last thing, hm? You think you can do it?" Roman nodded nuzzling closer to the human. "Can you name one thing you can taste?'

"Salt." Roman chuckled as he whipped the tears from his face he hadn't realized he had been crying. "Just... salt."

"Do you know where you are?" Roman nodded as he pulled away with a sad glimmer in his eyes.

"Yeah. The restaurant... We're sitting at the table." Roman spread his arms out against the polished wood before forcing himself to take a deep breath. "I forgot that for a bit... didn't I?"

"It's ok, Roman." Roman gave Kai a small thankful smile before lighting up seeing Virgil being led to the table by the hostess.


"Hey, Angel... oh no." Virgil froze up seeing how puffy Roman's eyes were and the tear stains still covering his cheeks. "What happened?"

"He had a flashback." Kai answered for him as Roman just nodded not really wanting to talk about it. "I made the mistake of forgetting to tell him where you went."

"Are you ok?" Roman nodded again as he leaned against Kai, seeing this spark in Virgil's eyes over the action.

"I'm ok. I don't want to talk about it though if that's ok. I just want to sit and eat." Virgil nodded as he sat down before reaching out to hold Roman's hand who purred at the contact.

"I'm proud of you Roman. You might have had an episode but you were able to come back to yourself." Roman nodded again, his purr only getting louder. "I love you."

"I love you, Virgil... so much." 

"Hey Ro?" Roman hummed as Kai gently rubbed his arm. "Do you still want to sit alone or-..."

"I... Don't go." Kai's eyes flashed in surprise as Roman weakly grabbed at his shirt. "Please, I-... Virgil?" Virgil sighed seeing the panic filling his love's eyes. "Is it ok?"

"Roman, if you want to sit with Kai, I don't mind at all."

"Really?" Virgil simply shook his head as Kai pulled Roman back in, watching how the angel visibly relaxed. "You... You don't mind? But you're my mate?"

"Roman... I do not mind at all if you want to sit with Kai. We are BOTH here to help you should you want it. We both care about you."

"I love you." Roman purred as he relaxed fully leaning his head back against Kai's shoulder as he held Kai's arm in his hand. "I love you." Kai shot Virgil a worried look as Virgil just shook his head. They really needed to talk.

"I love you too, Roman. Now... Look over the menu ok? The waiter should be over soon to take our order."

Broken Planchette ~ PrinxietyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora