Task 2 - Voting

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Okay, so after each task there will be a chapter named 'task x - voting' where I will give you any details about the voting process.

If you have already voted then I'm sorry but can you please recomment in this chapter. You can only choose 3 people so pick wisely! Remember that the person with the least votes will have to leave!

Unfortunately Katie Addley (Theultimaterickrifan) has dropped out. So here is the list of people you can vote for:

Jessica McCoy

Elektra Sparks

Crystal-mist Gladstone

Ariadne Morgan 

Elizabeth Feltner

Tamika "Mika" Grace McCarthy

Hilary Olivia Strindberg

Sera Nicolas 

Alphie Jones 

Merope Cowell Riddle

Voting is open until the 30th of January. Good luck my students!!!

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