Chapter 4 - Do You Remeber Yet?

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A baby rested within a glass container. A glass container used for sick newborn children. On the outside was a sticker with the label (L/N) (F/N). The small child cried as their tiny arms curled in discomfort. They seemed to do this no matter what happened. Whether they were being fed, changed, or just left alone, they cried. There was no reason that any doctor could physically see, but there was a problem. It was too noisy for her, it hurt her small head and ears. The noise was caused by something unpreventable, though. All the doctors knew was to isolate her. Yet, even then, the child seemed to be the center of attention.

"Shh..." A woman hummed with a pure white outfit. On her coat was a simple last name, Tanaka. Slowly the woman touched the glass container of the crying child. "Hush...." She cooed before reaching into her pocket. Tears soon started to drip from her face as she took out an object. That object was a knife. The defenseless child wailed in the darkroom as the glass slowly started to crack from nothing. The woman grabbed her head before nodding. "I understand..." Suddenly the knife in her hand moved to her throat. With one quick movement, the woman fell to the ground, gurgling. "W-what- hav-" She didn't finish as her eyes dull in her hands fell from her throat, blood dripping down her neck and hands.

"Noo!" A voice screamed not too long after. The light from the other room showed a female screaming. "Not my baby girl! What happened!" The female voice wailed as doctors soon rushed in, shocked. Quickly, the mother pushed people past and grabbed her daughter from the glass prison, trying desperately to soothe her cries. "You people are insane! Killing yourselves over a defenseless little girl!"

"That's not it (L/N)!" A male swiftly yelled back at her. It was the main doctor, the one the woman did most of her business with. He helped her deliver the child, he's the one that contained her. "(Y/N) is a rarity. She has already developed her quirk!" The doctor reached out towards the woman, but she pulled back. "Your little girl is unknowingly using her ability. It's making people do what they wouldn't normally." The doctor said scientifically. "I cannot recommend you take her home."

"Then what will you have me do, huh?" The mother hissed. "Keep her in a hospital for her entire life! I swear when my husband gets here-"

"I will explain the same thing to him too." The doctor cut in as the mother tried to soothe the crying newborn. "People are dying (L/N), please consider the fact that maybe (Y/N) needs to stay in the hospital. We don't know what long-term exposure could do." The doctor continued to reason. The mother looked at her child as she started to softly whine. "The newborn doesn't even know she's using her ability."

"What is her quirk anyway?" The mother looked away from her child. The doctor paused, not giving an answer. He seemed to not know as his shoulders slouched slightly. "If it's so dangerous, why don't you know!" The woman shouted unreasonably. Quickly she turned away bouncing the small child in her arms. "I don't know what to do... I don't know what-"

"If anything, we need to isolate her further." The doctor said, looking down. "If people are still getting in, against Guraki's command...." The male trailed off.

"Isolate! Her! Further! Are you nuts?" the mother continued to bounce her child. "She's already basically in prison! Yet, you want to isolate her further!" The woman's voice continued to rise. "What about socializing with my only daughter, what about socializing with her father! Friends!?" The woman's tone lightened. "Have you ever thought about that?" The doctor didn't respond. "Well, I have...." Abruptly she started to walk out of the darkroom.

"Wait!" The doctor rushed towards her as the other staff continued to try and save the life of the woman who had just died. It was too late for their colleage, but they had to try. "You can't take her!" The doctor yelled, ignoring the situation behind him.

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