I walked out my room and was already greeted by one of my dogs named Tarzan.

,,Hey, buddy. You feeling good today?" Tarzan was already pretty old and I'm scared of the day he won't be here for me anymore. He licked my face and I took that as a yes to my earlier question.

Suddenly the door to my brother's room opened and he walked out of the room while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

,,Morning, baby." I said and he walked over to me and gave me a hug.

,,Morning.... Can you bring me downstairs?" He asked me in a tired voice and even tho I knew I would probably fall down the stairs because he is already so big, I couldn't say 'no' to him.

,,If we fall down the stairs and we break a leg each then it's your fault." I and he chuckled lightly before I bent down a little so he could jump on my back.

After he jumped on my back, my knees almost gave in because of the extra weight, but I found my balance pretty quickly afterwards and started walking with him down the stairs while he was laughing lightly on my back.

,,Goodmorni- Riley, put Nate down." Mom said as I walked with Nathan in the kitchen.

,,I want too!" Amara, my sister, who was sitting at the table said after she saw that I brought Nate downstairs.

Nate jumped off my back unexpectedly and ran over to Ami while showing her his tongue. Ami crossed her arms over her chest, but then Nate gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.

,,You guys need to eat 'cause it's already late." Mom said and Nate and I sat down at the table to eat.

,,Where is dad?" I asked and then I started eating.

,,Right here." Suddenly I heard dad say as he walked in the room. He was already dressed and walked over to me, Nate and Ami and gave us all a kiss on our cheeks. ,,What are everyone's plans for the weekend?" Dad asked as he walked over to mom and then wrapped his arms around her from behind.

,,After swim training, Mason, Logan, Stacy and I are going at Mason's. Tomorrow I don't know and on Sunday I don't know either." I said.

,,Cool." Mom and dad said at the same time and then laughed at each other lightly.

,,Troy is coming over after school." Nate said and mom and dad nodded.

,,A girl in my class asked me if we could play together after school." Ami said and once again mom and dad nodded.

,,Are you sleeping over at Mason's?" Mom asked me.

,,I don't know. It depends of how late it gets." I said and she nodded while I continued eating.

,,Is Troy sleeping over?" Mom asked Nate and he shook his head. ,,If you meat with that girl, where are you going?" Mom asked Ami.

,,Can we come here?" Ami asked.

,,Of course you can. Is that even a question? So should I come and pick you and your friend up?" Mom asked Ami and she nodded and then she turned around to look at Nate. ,,Should I also pick you and Troy up?" She asked him and he also nodded.

,,And I don't have to pick you up then?" Dad asked me.

,,Nope." I said and stood up from the table to wash my plate now that I ate my breakfast.

,,Okay then everyone is free to go and get ready for school. Everyone should be ready in 15 minutes or we'll be late." Mom said and she and dad clapped their hands at the same time laughing again at each other because they did the same thing again.

THE NEXT GENERATION (Super auntie!) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon