*chapter 1*

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If you don't know me already: hi, I'm Riley and this is my and my friends' story

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If you don't know me already: hi, I'm Riley and this is my and my friends' story.

My story compared to others' is really confusing, at least said. This is a little summary: My biological mom died in a car crash three months after my birth. I was in that car crash too, but I somehow made it out alive. My aunt, my angel, took care of me since, adopted me and raised me like her own. My aunt, who is the only mother figure I ever had, is married and has two other kids. They are my family and a few days ago my dad (my aunt's husband) signed the papers to adopt me as well.

I told you that it's confusing, but that is not even all.

You might ask yourself what happened with my biological father because I said nothing about him until now. Well, he's an asshole. When Nina (my biological mother) found out she was pregnant with me that asshole 'ran' away and left her alone with me. After Nina died, he didn't even show at the funeral and he let my mom (my aunt) to take care of me. She was pretty young back then. She had just finished college and didn't even have a stable job, but she took care of me together with her now husband and the person who is actually the only dad I had in 14 almost 15 years.

If you aren't confused by now congratulations, but it's still not everything.

My biological dad came back after 14 years and tried to 'win' me back. Well, you see, I didn't even know he was alive because my parents told me he died because they thought it would hurt less not to know that he left me by choice and they were right. That hurt less, but when I found out the truth about him it hurt even more. Anyways he ended up not even showing up when I wanted to give him a chance of getting to know each other properly, so he is an asshole and he better stay away from me.

I told you this is some fucked up shit and this is not even everything. This was only the family 'drama', but like every other teenager, I also have problems outside my household.

Like for example one of my teachers called me a whore the other day and the principal doesn't give a damn about it. Oh and I also have a crush on one of my best friends, but let's not get into that because I won't do anything about it.

Well the little summary ended up being a little longer then I expected, but we should probably just go on with the story.

I woke up by the sound of my alarm and I groaned because I knew I had to go to school and even though it was already Friday I just didn't want to go to school. I'm going to have biology class today and I would rather die then see that asshole of a teacher again. The schedules changed a little and instead of us having biology Mondays and Thursdays we have Mondays and Fridays biology now.

Thank god that the teacher was sick on Monday and this week I only have biology today. That sounded mean, but I don't care because if he had the audacity to call me a whore in front of a whole class then I also have the right to think what I think about him.

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