After a relaxing peaceful meal. Tohru then looked at his wife.

Tohru: So how is Rei Nee-chan doing. I heard you both had reunited after so long.

Fumiko: She's doing fine. She's getting better now thanks to Fuyumi and the others. I'm glad.

Tohru: I'm happy to hear that. And Shouto...?

Mikoto: He's starting to show more emotions nowadays but still has a poker face.

Tohru: Poker Face?

Mikoto: Meaning impassive unrevealing expression.

Tohru: Ohhhhh...

Mikoto: What about you Dad? How are things are your end?

Tohru: Oh. Well I just got done from talking to my brother the other day. Do you remember your Uncle Mizuki, Mikoto?

Mikoto: I...barely remember him. I think I was like...six when the last time I saw him.

Fumiko: Yes. He travelled to America to learn more about their culture. It's surprising that he's coming back for a visit.

Tohru: Haha. Yeah. Who knows. You might run into him during your hero duties. Man it's been awhile since I saw him. I can't believe he actually called me out of the blue. It's been ten years.

Mikoto: Ten Years? Did he do anything at that time.

Tohru: Well...You never knew about what your uncle does do you. He's a detective.

Mikoto: Detective Tsukachi-san...

Tohru: Yep. Just like him. Believe it or not, they used to be partners until my brother went solo. I think Tsukachi-san would be happy to see him again.

Fumiko: So what's bringing him back to Japan.

Tohru: He told me he was assigned to a case here to Japan. So he'll be here for a while. I'm not sure what the case is but it sounds serious.

Mikoto: (A serious case it possibly have something to do with...)

Tohru: Anyway. Enough about that. We're all here for enjoy the holidays as a family. So...

He holds up his drink purposing a toast.

Fumiko and Mikoto.

Tohru: Happy New Years My Family~!

Fumiko/Mikoto: Happy New Year!

Hiroyuki: Bark!

Tohru: Let's give our each other best wishes and success for the future. Especially your future Mikoto.

Mikoto: I'll drink to that~!

The family of four (including Hiroyuki) all laughed, chuckled, and ate the rest of their food celebrating the final day of the year until it hit tomorrow.


Mikoto yawned before stretching a bit. He saw his parents sleeping together as their bodies laid underneath the kotatsu.

Hiroyuki was in his own small bed, seemingly knocked out.

Mikoto chuckled seeing his family like this. He pulled out his phone and quietly took a picture and upload it to his hero instagram. He couldn't wait to brag about it to his classmates. He then decided to turn in for the night. He walked up to his room.

Look entering his room. His once happy demeanor took a sharp turn.

Mikoto: What the...?

He noticed that his window was open.

Mikoto: Hmmm...I could've swore it was locked.

He went over to close the window. But stopped when he saw what was attached to the window.

Mikoto: A letter...? Who would leave-?!

His heart sunk when he saw the initial letter on it.


Mikoto: *Gasp*....Mr. V...

Mikoto looked around his room...Did...Mr. V paid him a visit when he and his parents were downstairs.

Was he...actually in his room?!

....He didn't felt safe.

Cautiously, he took a quick look around his room but didn't see nobody. He even checked the closet and underneath the bed. So far...Nothing.

Was this a sign of a break in?

If that was true...then why haven't any valuables been stolen?

But then again. Mr. V don't seem like the type of villain to steal things...

He turned his attention back to the letter before opening it up.

"You're running out of time, young hero. The League of Villains plan is set in motion."

"Find out the case of mysterious Original Class 1-C while you're at it."

"This is the first piece of the puzzle..."

Mikoto: (Puzzle...? What puzzle? What are you trying to tell us Mr. V...)

Mikoto looked and noticed something else inside the letter. It was a small locket.

Mikoto opened it up to see a male student inside.

A male student that wore U.A's uniform...from last year.

Mikoto: Hmmm....

The rest of the Night of New Years Eve was tense...

Class 1-C - Book 2: Heroes & LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now