Chapter 10

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( Nandini P.O.V. )

" Mmmm.. Delicious! " I complemented the chef as I stuffed something chocolatey in my mouth. " Goshh!! " I gasped as I looked down at the table which was messed plus my dress too. Wiping my shirt off with the tissue I drank the juice and showed a thumbs-up to them.

" Lovely.. muah.. " I gave them a flying kiss which made them smile and they bowed their head. The servants collected the dirty dishes while my ears turned red in embarassment seeing how clumsy I am. " It is ok, Ma'am. " One of them assured me on which I gave them a meek smile.

Just when I was about to call Abhay when I heard foot steps from behind. I turned towards the voice to see Manik desecending the stairs talking on his phone. Damn! He looks so hot in formals. A red hue formed on my cheeks when he looked up at me as he cut the call.

" Baba, breakfast is ready! " Mary Aunty spoke to him while arranging his plate as I stood up and shuffled through my bag for my phone. " I am not hungry. " His cold voice boomed in the mansion which made me shiver. Strange, he never said no to her because according to him she was his second mother.

" Baba, kya baat hai? " She asked him polietly, ah.. that should have been my dialogue. I pouted sadly when I looked at him to see him looking at me only. " Bhook Mar Gayi! " He stated and left from there while eyeing at me.

Ow.. that pinched my heart. Why? I glanced at Mary Aunty who looked sad. I hugged her to comfort her which she reciprocated. Only she was the one I loved being with in this house. " It is ok, you don't get sad because of that monster. " I suggestes her on which she smiled amd nodded.

" Ahh.. Abhay pick up the call! " I muttered angrily as I called him for the 10th time. He had promised to take me out today but he is not picking up my calls. Huffing angrily I threw the phone back on the couch when the landline rang.

Not interested I spoke on the phone. " Hello, I am speaking from Malhotra Mansion. " I blew air on my nails in a attitude way. " Ah... Nandini? Actually vo Manik forgot his important file at home, so.. will you go and give it to him? " I heard voice of dad. Ofcourse I guess this the only way to talk to him.

I was going to say yes when he interupted. " It is ok, I will ask someone else. " He spoke politely, sometimes I feel guilty for hurting his parents. They are not bad unlike that monster. " No Dad, I will give him. But why did he call you? " I could sense him being shocked as I never called him Dad.

" Ha.. actually. Vo I only knew where the file is kept so. Is everything fine.. dad? " He asked being curious, while I smiled meekly. " Nothing much, DAD! " I am emphazed the word Dad to hear a chuckle from him. " Ok bye, If I get late then your son will eat me alive. " I ran towards the study room.

I felt good calling him dad. I know I am gonna leave them soon so there is no harm in being polite with them. But not with Manik. I hate him but still I agreed for giving him the file.


" Good Morning, Ma'am! " I heard many good morning wishes which I reciprocated. I removed the hair strand falling on my face as I sucked in a deep breath standing infront of his cabin. I passed smiles to his employees who too replied with same enthusiasm.

I did not knock rather pushed the door open to reveal his luxurious cabin and to get a shock. One of his employee was leaning over his desk showing her upper body which was barely hidden. Her dress reached till her mid-thigh and if it gets stuck to something then god knows best.

I curled my hand into a fist as she showed him her curves but the thing which made me more angry was Manik did not for once scold her for that rather he kept looking at her and discussed something. I know these kind of bitches but he, he should have done something.

I strode towards them angrily and jerked that bitch with her wrist tightly. " Nandini! " I heard Manik gasp as he stood up from his chair while she gulped in fear. Everyone knows that I am his wife. I smirked, bitch you are gonna pay for doing this with my
husband. " How dare you do these cheap things with my husband! " I yelled at her while she tried to remove my hand from her wrist but it got tightened. " And you, can't you see what she is doing? Are you blind? " I questioned looking at him while I sensed him being scared to me for a second.

Indeed who wouldn't? When I get angry trust me no one will be saved from me. I dragged that bitch harshly without listening to her shouts and Manik's calls. " Leave, and I should not see you here. " I ordered her as I pushed her outside his cabin while all the staff gathered around.

Some passed her smirks, while some looked sad and some looked confused. " Nandini, what is this? " I glanced at Manik who was running behind us and was now huffing badly. " I have thrown your employee out because she tried to seduce you! " I spoke casually as I rolled a hair strand on my finger.

" But.. only sir.. can fire me! " That bitch tried to favour Manik while shedding crocodile tears which made me furious. " Woman, I am his wife and I will fire you as you were seducing my husband. And Manik will support me. " I muttered angrily pointing my index finger at her when a voice boomed.

" No, I don't support you! " I looked at him shockingly while he stood their calmly keeping his hands in his pocket. I heard mumurs behind me, I knew who they were and what were they talking about me. " Manik, I am your wife! " I tried to make him understand when he gave me a serious look and I understood what it meant.

" Sorry but I don't mix persnol and proffesional life. " He stated as he signed soms documents which was given by Aman who arrived lately and stood furrowing his brows. " Manik, she tried to seduce you! " I tried to justify myself but I think it didn't work.

" That is my concern, now you can leave. Everyone back to your work. " Saying so he turned his back when I yelled at him. Why wouldn't I? I was his wife not her, he should listen to me. " Par Manik...

" I SAID LEAVE!! " I jumped on my place hearing his shout while tears flowed down my cheeks. I shook my head and wiped my tears harshly. All the eyes was on me now. Glancing at him and that bitch who was now smirking I left from there.

I knew where I needed to go right now. I thought that the safest place to be right now was Abhay's but destiny had its own plan. Woh kehte hain na " This world is like a shadow. If you chase it, it will run away from you and if you run away from it, it will chase you. "

This is the longest chapter I have written in my history. 

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