"What do you mean? Your car is a literal garbage bin!" I shrieked. "This is Shaytan's second home!"

"No, it's not!" My brother yelled back. "You kids never understand anything!"

"I'm telling mom about your messy car." I threatened with my arms crossed over my chest. "And, your dad, and you grandkids, and their grandkids, and all your damn progeny that's coming to this world. And, I'll keep this car as a proof!"

"Ha ha, dad's in trouble!" Musa pointed out, laughing in his face.

"Well, guess what, you're in trouble with your dad!" My brother retorted angrily, parking the car roughly in front of the palace amongst the dozens of other cars  filed in a single line in front of the golden gate that was guarded by police officers. "Remember, behave yourself boys!"

"You said that a hundred times, dad!" Harun groaned.

"You know why? Cause you boys always drag me in with your trouble, not your Mama, always me. Oh Allah, why did I deserve this?" My brother cried, cowering in his seat and covering his face with frustration.

"Oh, it's okay!" I tried to soothe my older brother by placing my arm on his forearm, and glaring at the twins. "You know what they say, Huzaifah. Kids are a curse--"

"That's only what Abu Hurairah says!" My brother corrected. "And, it's not helping at all, his words never help!"

"Ooo dad, Daniel's here!" Musa said, bouncing in his seat and plastering his nose against the car window as he stared at his friend standing at the golden gate with a pair of his other friends. "Can I go, pleaaaase?"

"Sure, remember what I sa--" My brother started, but it was already too late. The twins were already dashing down the lane, and already over at the gate's checkpoint with Prince Daniel, laughing at his words. "Oh Allah, why, oh why do I have such annoying boys--?"

"Hey bro, umm... can you just wait here for a sec? I won't take long." I promised, opening my car door ajar ready to exit the safe zone of his car with Prince Dawud's jacket neatly kept in a plastic bag.

"Why? Who are you meeting up with?" My brother raised his brows suspiciously. So far, Huzaifah had no clue about the jacket and that horrid drenching incident that occurred days ago, and I wasn't ever going to disclose this information to him. Already, my cousin Abu Hurairah had knew way too much. Why wasn't this family ever supportive?

"No, please just trust me. I'll be right back. Cat wants me to run some errands, I swear. Ask him if you don't believe me." I pleaded, knowing my cousin would have my back even if Huzaifah dared to call him. They say older brothers are loving and protective, but no, my brother's my second dad.

"Woah, woah, woah, hold on there woman! I can't let my sister just run around the streets like a hobo. Who do you think I am? I am your mahram, and I think I should act like one too." He glared at me suspiciously, stabbing his fingers brutally on the numbers on his phone to demonstrate his seriousness in this case.

"Wow, and you trust Saff so much more than me?" I snapped, frowning. "What kind of brother are you?"

"What the heck? When did I trust the other woman? No one trusts Saff. Ask Abu Hurairah, hell, he doesn't even trust her. She's the second Musa in the family, and I swear Saff's probably the one giving Musa these insane ideas. If I had the choice between you and her, it'd be you of course."

Well, that was great to hear!

Abu Hurairah picked up Huzaifah's call on the second ring, his irritated voice blaring through the expanse of the entire car since my brother connected his device with the car speakers. "What do you want, Huzaifah? I'm not in the mood, please!"

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