07: a fine dinner

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Namjoon_kim had a great time, thanks to hobi🥰

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Namjoon_kim had a great time, thanks to hobi🥰

Liked by vantaehyung, Jennierubyjane and others.

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Park_jiminie why does it look like you're in a completely different country?
↪️Jennierubyjane ever heard of a green screen?
↪️Park_jiminie why would you even use that while having dinner?
↪️Roses _are_rosie we were bored.
↪️Park_jiminie OH, COME ON!

jacksonwang852g7 yo buddy! It seems like you have forgotten this one dear friend of yours!
↪️Kim_Namjoon I still haven't gotten the money you borrowed from me-
↪️jacksonwang852g7 aight! See you in another lifetime!

Vantaehyung HAHAHA it was so fun! Especially with all those girls glancing at Jungkook, we had so much fun teasing them lol
↪️The_jeonjungkook ha, what can I say? Can you blame it on my handsome face? Or can you blame it on my perfect body?
↪️Lalalalisa_m stop being so cocky! Those girls must have lost their mind for a second...
↪️Sunshinehobi hmm, do I smell jealousy?
↪️Sooyaaa__ that's probably your armpit smell.

Handsome_seokjin am I the only one who had no idea about any of the new drinking games?
↪️Jennierubyjane it's cuz you are still living in the previous decade.
↪️Min_yoongi can't believe he lost all those games.
↪️Handsome_seokjin WELL IN MY DEFENCE, I have never wanted to disturb my friends, and hence, would drink by myself.
↪️Sooyaaa__ what are you, a saint?

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