A - I need the directions

I put in the directions then we took off. As soon as we got to the place I felt so nervous. We got down holding hands then walked up to the front desk. I signed in and we sat down together until they called my name. A nurse took us to a room

Nu - ok have a seat

I sat on the bed

Nu - is your first time

Y - yes I just found out I was pregnant yesterday

Nu - congrats

Y - thank you

Nu - ok I will walk you through it there is no need to be scared but first I need you to lay back

I did what she told me

Nu - today we are gonna do an ultra sound to confirm a due date and a gynecologist will also have a look at you

Y - *nods*

Nu - lift up your shirt for me please

She put on a cold gel making me flinch. Alex held my hand and brought it up to his mouth kissing it several times. I felt my heart beating faster as she turned off the lights

Nu - I'm gonna put this little machine on you so we can see the baby

Y - are we gonna be able to actually see it

Nu - it depends how far you are do you know

Y - not really

Nu - if you were to guess

A - I think about 3 weeks

Y - yeah

Nu - ok we will definitly see the pouch and a tiny baby in there

She put the machine on my stomach and started moving it around. I felt more anxious waiting to see the baby on the screen. Out of no where a black circle popped up with a small white blob in it

Nu - there it is...your baby

I could hear Alex let out a small laugh making me smile

Y - oh my god

I started crying

A - thats our baby

Nu - according to the data I have your baby will be due around October 12

A - no fucking way my birthday is October 20

Nu - aww it would be an early birthday present

Seeing the baby on that screen made me want to see it in real life. It was a baby that me and Alex created. I want to just hold it and love it and take care of it

Y - this feels so unreal

Nu - how old are yall

Y - 16 I turn 17 this year

A - same

Nu - wow you guys are in for a ride

Y - *giggles*

Nu - would you guys like pictures

Y - yes please

Nu - ok I'll make sure you get those on your way out but for now I'm gonna call in the gynecologist

Y - ok

She turned off the machine and gave me a napkin to wipe off the gel. She turned the lights back on

Nu - I'll see you guys in 5 months again

Y - wait thats it

Nu - yup

Y - when do we get to find out the gender

Nu - the next ultra sound that will be your last

Y - ok thank you

Nu - no problem

She left and Alex wiped my tears

A - your so beautiful baby

Y - *smiles* thank you

He kissed me

A - I was hoping to come more because I loved that

Y - me too

He hugged me but pulled back slowly when there was a knock at the door. A different nurse popped in with a sheet

Nu - alright Ms. Y/l/n I'm gonna need you to get unclothed from your bottom half for the gynecologist and you can cover with this until he comes

A - he?-

Y - *hits Alex's chest* ok thank you

She gave me the sheet then left

A - hell no I dont want no man looking at you thats for me

Y - dumb ass a man could also look at me when I give birth

A - ok but thats different they aren't gonna think about ooo that shit looking fine when a babies head is coming out

Y - *laughs* yeah ok help me take my shoes off

A - I'm for real *pulls your shoes off*

Y - there doctors baby

A - yeah I bet they only became those doctors so they can just look at pussy all day

Y - *laughs*

A - do you need me to take your pants off

Y - yes please

He took them off for me then I took my underwear off while still in the chair. I covered myself up with the sheet

A - you know what then he's not gonna be able to see your underwear

Y - then where are you gonna put it

A - in my pocket *stuffs in pocket*

Y - *laughs* wait give me my phone so I can take a picture

He gave me my phone so I took a picture of his pocket. We waited for the gynecologist to finally come in

Gc - gynecologist

Gc - hello Ms. Y/l/n are you ready for your check up today

Y - yes

Gc - I'm doctor ralph

He shook our hands

Gc - who is your guest

A - I'm Alex the father of the baby

Gc - ah yes congrats by the way

Y - thank you

He sat on a chair

Gc - put your legs up here for me

I put my legs up an some stands

Gc - have you ever had one of these done before

Y - no

Gc - ok I'm just gonna check around make sure everything is good then you guys can go

Y - ok

I felt him start to touch my (😺) with stuff and it was a very unpleasant feeling. I grabbed Alex's hand and made faces at him. I felt the doctor stretch out my (😸) and I bit my bottom lip so I wouldn't make noises

Gc - alright so far so good I don't see anything to be worried about

Alex was looking around the room clearly not wanting to be here right now


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I hope y'all know this story is gonna be a longggggg one

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