before camp

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alex messages delilah

d: "what"
d: "im here, im outside"

alex comes out of their house, the one she shared with her mother and little sister. alex opens the door of delilahs car with bags in her hand; since delilah didnt have a car (or even a permit yet) delilah parents had to drive them. alex puts her bags down and sits in the seat next to delilah. delilah smiles ready for rhe weekend that theyre about to experience. so then delilah parents drives them a few blocks away to a local church.
alex and delilah never considered themselves religious; let alone christan and at that moment they were there for one reason alone. BOYS.
alex had a huge crush on a boy whos been attending the church for years now. the boy in question was named aiden.
now delilah had a plan for them together. a perfect one.
as alex and delilah enter the church (being the first ones present). they say hi to conner, the one driving them up to the camp for the weekend. cooner starts basic chatter "hey guys"delilah flustered responds with a greeting, so does alex almost laughing at delilah. conner explains he has to do some more paper work do if he wants to stay with us for the weekend, he leaves and returns in his office. they start the restate the steps for the plan in the entrance. "okay! so while we're in the car, going to camp; you and aiden are going to sit together. this is your perfect chance to not only talk to him but escalate the relationship further!!" delilah was ecstatic, they genuinely couldnt wait to see how happy the relationship between aiden and their best friend. alex, on the other hand, was terrified. the thought of being anywhere near the person she had such a long time crush on would be a horrid experience for her.
delilah jumped around, not being able to hold in their excitement. 
alex and delilah put down their bags and go into a separate room; one with a table and extra supplies. they decided to go sit down in the near corner than sit in the chairs for the table. they waited while and eventually a few people arrived; the people who arrived were actually childern of the pastors. abby and nia! they came their camping bags. "hey guys!" delilah blurts out. abby and nia respond with a greeting, quietly. alex; terrified and preparing for whats going to happen, didnt respond.
delilah looks at alex, wanting to talk. alex returns the gaze. "can i tell them the plan?"delilah whispers. alex (looking uncomfortable) response with "yes". delilah calls abby and nia over and explains "so you know how we're going up to camp?" "yeah" nia and abby respond, "so basically the plan is that alex and adien will sit together on the bus ride. on the bus ride alex is going to pretend to fall asleep and rest on adiens shoulder." nia and abby gasps dramatically and then agree it was a good plan; making delilah feel very accomplished.
*ding dong*; the sound the door makes when someone enters. everyone in the room looks at the doors leading into the hallway. the girls hear was conner saying hi to aiden! abby looks shocked "its him!" all the girls burst from the circle they subconsciously created in the corner of the room and run to the tables that had chairs, while they were rushing for seats. the boy who shall not be named (aiden) walks into the room. him (seeeing the momentum of this act) sees 4 teenagers run for seats at a table as fast as they all could.
once they all sit down they realized how this situation looked. everyone burst into laughter, including aiden. aiden (in the mist of their laughter) saids "i just see you guys running at the table!" he saids whilst getting a few laughs in. he puts his bags down. nia, being smart; left a chair between her and alex. aiden goes by the chair thats open; the one right by alex and stands. "sit down dude" delilah saids talking to aiden. aiden looks at them "i dont feel like it" he responds.
delilah, knowing that, that statement might hurt alex's feelings decides to argue with him.
"why not?" delilah saids
aiden: "i dont know.. because i can"
delilah; "well you CAN sit down."
aiden: "why do you want me to sit down so bad?"
delilah: "why dont you want to sit down so bad?"
aiden: "i dont know, just to spite you"
aiden smiles
delilah smiles back, but delilah had a plan
delilah knew they had time before the bus was prepared to leave. "if me and alex beat you in a arm wrestling match thingy, you have to sit down" delilah smiles at alex before changing their gaze back to aiden. aiden smiles and agrees.
aiden moves the chair and kneels down so his elbow can reach the table. alex looked flustered not even talking. aiden puts his hand out ready for a arm wrestle, alex puts her hand in his. alex couldnt help but feel uncomfortable. abby, nia, and delilah chant.. "3...2...1...go!" alex doesnt even try, letting their arm get pushed into the table by aiden, it didnt hurt alex but she felt embarrassed at the thought that she was significantly weaker than him.
aiden smiles at alex.
delilah and aiden have known eachother for the almost better part of 4.5 years. delilah considered him a friend and made sure to set direct boundaries in order to make sure no mixed signals were sent and to also make sure their best friend was comfortable with their friendship.
"okay, your turn delilah." he smiles knowing delilah was the weakest out of everyone in the room. "eh" delilah responds "its time to go" abby and nia look at eachother and alex smiling and encouraging her since step one of the plan was going to start. adien didnt see his luckly. conner walks in.
conner was a adult; and he has been one for almost 6 years. with this fact delilah couldnt help but having a tiny crush on him. delilah knew nothing would happen and it wasn't appropriate, but she still indulge her little crush with her teenage friends.
conner meets eyes with delilah, delilah immediately looks away, flustered. conner explains its time to go; and to get their bags. everyone knew that delilah had this almost "forbidden" crush, well everyone but adien and conner. alex and delilah picks up their bags and exists the building to the parking lot, waiting for the bus to pull up. delilah the "perfect genius" that they are says "who sits by who?" the teenagers all look at each-other almost all of them well knowing whos going to sit by who. all waiting for alex to take initiative, and she doesn't. they all wait is silence. delilah waits one second more before deciding to say "hey aiden, wanna sit by me?" abby and nia looked confused but delilah ever so slightly gave them the thumbs up. "and then alex can you sit with abby and nia?" alex simply responds with "yeah".
the "bus" which was actually a small van pulls up and all the teenagers climb in. adien and delilah sits down, and then abby, nia and alex sits down behind them. the door shuts. after a few seconds delilah pretends to look at their phone and shouts "shoot!" she turns and looks at aiden "is it ok if i move?" he quickly responds with "sure" whilst looking out the window. delilah turns around making sure to look at alex "hey alex, can we switch spots? i forgot to tell them something." alex nods and unbuckles and switches spots with delilah. once delilah sits down abby quickly whispers "yess!!" and nia and delilah laugh in response.
"now we just have to drive." delilah says whilst smiling .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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