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Taeyoung POV ~~

" Ahh , what a boring day it is ! This is not our weekend after that I am feeling bored .we also got a week as holiday . How will we spend that ? I am tied to being bored Everytime " . Chenli said with a fake crying voice who was lying on the couch .

" Yeah , it's such a boring day " . Yang Yang said .

" Let's play something " . Taeil suggest.

" No , I don't wanna play games " . Chenli said .

" What about we go for a picnic "? Haechan suggested .

" That's a good idea ". Win-win said .

" Okay , but where to go? " . I asked

" Near a forest or beside a lake ." JISUNG suggested .

" Let's go to that place where we went for making our MV Life still going on ~ " . Haechan suggested. " That was a beautiful place ". He added.

" Yeah , I love that place " . Mark said .

" Then , let's go there " . I said .

" Are you guys planning to go somewhere without us "? Kai said from behind .

We turn our head to Kai and saw he was standing with Xiumin and Beakhyun .

" Where are you planning to go " ? Xiumin asked .

" We are planning to go for a picnic " . Haechan replied .

" Wow ! Please count me in " . Xiumin said .

" 24 " . Renjun counted and said .

" What about us "? Beakhyun asked .

" Wanna go with us "? Lucas asked to Beakhyun .

" Of course ". He replied .

" EXO and NCT let's go for a picnic " . Kai said .

"Where is the other EXO members? " Yang Yang asked.

" At home maybe . Don't worry I will inform them " . Xiumin said .

" Okay , then let's go for a shopping ". I suggested .

"Why only EXO and NCT ? We are also a part of SM Entertainment . Count us in ". Taemin said from behind .

" Yahoo!! SHINEE is also going with us ". Jeno exclaimed .

" What about we invite other kpop idol for join us " ? Mark asked . " If there is more people there will be more fun " . He added .

" That's a good idea but other idol will be busy with their work " . Ten said .

" That's right ". We must bother them " . Chenli said . " Let's leave them " . He suggested.

" We should give a try ". Kai said.

" Okay " . I replied .


" I think that's enough " . I said .

" Yeah , but only boy band "? Mark asked with confused .

" Yeah , cuz it's boy's hangout " . I replied .

~~~~~~~ TIME SKIPPED ~~~~~~~~

" Hey , did they accept our invitation ? " I asked Renjun who was helping me to get the stuff into the van .

" I don't know " . He replied .

At that moments , Jaemin rushed to us and said " all the group has accepted our invitation . I sent them the location. They will be there " .

" Oh really ! I thought they will not " . Renjun said .

" How many members will be there " . I asked.

" I don't know . The number will be huge " . Jaemin replied .

" Let me count ". Renjun said .

After a few minutes renjun said " 142 " .

" That will be fun . I hope " . Jaemin said hopefully .

Hongjoong POV ~~~

" Attention guys , we got invitation from NCT for hang out with them " .I said

" Wow ! That's great " . Mingi exclaimed . "I was also thinking about that " he added .

" Wanna hang out with us " . Jongho asked to Yunho.

" No thanks " . Yunho replied .

" Why " ? Mingi asked. " There will be fun . We all are going there " . He added .

" Stop asking , if he don't wanna go there " . Yeosang said .

" Ahh ... I also don't want to go there . I will stay here with Yunho . You guys go and have fun ." Jongho said .

" It's ok , let's go " . San said .

" Okay bye " . Wooyoung said .

" I don't feel well " . Jongho said .
" Me too . Hope they will be safe " . Yunho said .

We all came outside and saw seonghwa is waiting for us Outside In font of a van .

" Isn't they coming with us "? Hwa asked .

" No hyung " . San replied .

" Okay , let's go " . I said .

The rest of us Leaved ..........

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