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It was a typical Saturday afternoon, when Jungkook and Y/N would hangout and do random stuff together. They were in Y/N's house and Jungkook was sitting on Y/N's bed, playing a mobile game, when Y/N walked out of her closet and stared at herself in her mirror with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook noticed Y/N's sad expression.

"Do I look a little rounder to you?" Y/N looked at Jungkook.

"No, why?" Jungkook shook his head.

"I think I'm gaining weight." Y/N squished her cheeks, "I didn't always used to look this bloated."

Jungkook tilted his head and blurted out, "you always looked like that." Jungkook didn't realize his mistake until he saw the offended look on Y/N's face. "N-no, I meant, you didn't change, you've always looked pretty!"

"Forget it. I know what you're trying to say." Despite Y/N's words, it was obvious that she was still upset.

Jungkook was a timid guy and didn't talk to people much so sometimes, he would say something offensive without meaning to. Jungkook also didn't understand what Y/N meant. 

Yeah sure she wasn't the skinniest nor did she have the skinniest waist but she was properly proportioned and a healthy weight for a girl her age, wasn't that all that mattered? Jungkook thought Y/N looked perfect just the way she was. Even if she did put on weight, she still looked beautiful. Sexy, even.

Jungkook shook himself out of his thoughts as he stared at a pouting Y/N, sadly scrolling through her phone. He chewed his lip as he silently thought of ways to cheer her up.

"W-want me to buy you some chocolate chip cookies?" Jungkook awkwardly suggested. He knew chocolate chip cookies was Y/N's favorite snack and it could lighten her mood in almost any situation.

Y/N scoffed, "I wanna lose weight, not gain it." Y/N turned to lay on her side, facing away from Jungkook.

It was now Jungkook's turn to pout as he thought of more ways to make Y/N feel better. 

Suddenly, he got an idea.

He slowly gripped Y/N's shirt and lightly tugged it twice, getting her to slightly turn to him.

"T-then why not go on a run with me?" Jungkook asked.

Jungkook liked to wake up early every morning to go for a run to keep in shape, being active was one of the few things he could enjoy without really needing to talk to people.

"Hmm that's actually not a bad idea," Y/N smiled, "but I don't really have clothes fit for running."

Jungkook immediately stood up and pulled Y/N with him, "That's fine, follow me." Jungkook excitedly dragged Y/N to his house, next door. Y/N watched him rummage through his closet before pulling out two identical track suits. "This one is for you." Jungkook hand Y/N the smaller size.

Y/N stared at the track suit, a little stunned at how prepared Jungkook was. "Aren't these couple track suits?"

"Ah well, I-I've always wanted to go on a run together." Jungkook blushed as he looked down. Y/N immediately melted at Jungkook's shy expression. He was just too cute.

Y/N suddenly grabbed Jungkook by the collar and pulled him in for a kiss, "I love it. Thank you." Jungkook blushed even more which made Y/N want to kiss him again.

The next morning, Y/N and Jungkook met up at a near by park.

"Today, let's just do 2km." Jungkook said as they had finished their last warm up stretch.

"Is that what you usually do?"

"No, I usually do around 6km but since your a beginner, it's good to take it easy."

"Aw come on! I'm not a baby, I can handle 6km, you don't have to hold back." Y/N playfully smacked Jungkook's arm. Even thoughtJungkook didn't say anything, his incredulous expression said it all. Y/N playfully rolled her eyes, "I'm serious, don't underestimate me."

Jungkook helplessly shrugged, "fine."

Then they were off. Surprisingly, Y/N could keep up well with Jungkook's pace. But that didn't last long. Obviously, Y/N didn't run as often so she didn't have Jungkook's endurance. 3 minutes in, Y/N was still barely keeping Jungkook's pace but she was already out of breath.

"We can take a break if you want." Jungkook slowed down a little as he stared at Y/N who was sweating buckets. Y/N glanced at Jungkook and realized that he was still perfectly fine. Stubborn and slightly embarrassed of how confident she was before, Y/N shook her head.

"I-I'm fine." Y/N could barely speak through her heavy breathing.

Y/N was getting more tired by the second and her original perky jog was now a painful shuffle as she tried her best to keep up with Jungkook who had already slowed down significantly.

Y/N was trying to distract herself from the burn in her chest and legs so she didn't notice one uneven sidewalk that was higher than the others. Y/N tripped and landed right on her face.

"Ow..." Y/N sat up as she took the blessed moment catch her breath. She was too tired and numb to feel much of the pain from the fall.

Jungkook was immediately at her side checking if she was okay. He soon noticed her swollen ankle.

"That's enough, let's go back." This time, there was no protesting from Y/N.

Jungkook started to piggyback Y/N home.

"Sorry." Jungkook said softly.

"Why are you sorry?" Y/N asked as she rested her head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"I should have just forced you to stop, then you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

Y/N laughed breathlessly, "It's not your fault, I was being stubborn. And plus, I should be the one apologizing. I ruined your morning run, your not even sweating or anything!"

"But I'm still happy." Jungkook smiled, "You look cute in your track suit." Jungkook casually said these words without noticing Y/N go quiet as her face turned pink.

Jungkook suddenly felt a tingle go down his spine as he felt Y/N kiss his nape, "I wish I was facing you, so I can kiss you properly."

Jungkook immediately became tomato red, even his ears were red. Despite his flustered state, he still managed speak back.

"Then, let's go home quickly, my parents aren't home today."

Y/N was taken aback by Jungkook's bold statement. He didn't usually say these things so confidently. Y/N nevertheless smirked and whispered in Jungkook's ear.

"Funny enough, my parents aren't either."

This one was shorter but I somehow liked it better.

Hope you enjoyed!

K Bye :)

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